Bigglesworth and Incendius time zone clarification?

Can we get an official confirmation on whether Bigglesworth is Pacific and Incendius is Eastern? The forum post and the website say two different things:


You can see the website is saying Bigglesworth is actually Eastern and Incendius is Pacific. Which one is it?


Thanks for bringing this up. I only saw the Blue post and was thinking of rolling on one of these realms, but my decision was based on knowing which one is going to be in Chicago and which is going to be hosted in LA.

We need clarification on this.

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I believe that the correct one is Incendius - Eastern PVP and Bigglesworth - Western PVP.

Would really appreciate a response on this from blizzard so we know where to roll on launch.

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Please let this mean it is a PST server in the Chicago data center

Please let this mean it is a PST server in the Chicago data center

As I understand it, PST servers are in the LA Datacenter.

Blizz: “Biggle is east, sorry for the confusion”

No!!! A curse upon you, interlopers!"


bump what are they doing they are confusing us. this is awkward

did you see this somewhere or are you playin

playin, I wouldn’t be feeling so jovial had they actually said that

I’ve sent out a tweet but I’d tend to believe the news post. For now it’s just a waiting game for someone to get back to us or a forum post or for the servers to come online for us to trace the address. (10am PST on the 26th)

A blue response to this would be nice. I hope Incendius is Pacific so that I have another realm name I actually like besides Whitemane.


What’s there to clarify?

It says it right there…

Name Type Timezone
Incendius PvP Eastern
Bigglesworth PvP Pacific
Old Blanchy Normal Pacific
Westfall Normal Eastern

The fact that on the main Website it says otherwise.


Where?[quote=“Furidar-emerald-dream, post:14, topic:265176, full:true”]
The fact that on the main Website it says otherwise.


What’s there to clarify?
It says it right there…

Another victim of the public school system.


Link? I don’t see anywhere where it it’s it on the main Wow Classic site. Provide it…

I really want to play on Bigglesworth; however, if I am on a PvP server, I would like the slightly reduced ping for Eastern datacenter.

Scroll down to available realms for NA…it says Bigglesworth is Eastern, but here on forums it says Western.

I’m sure we will all be left in the dark until Monday when they return to the office to clarify the correct time zones for the new realms

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Read the first post, please.