Someone’s new to the concept of getting what you give, eh?
My biggest fear is that the talents that are dead in the talent tree either will stay dead, or won’t be made baseline.
Can’t post on your Hunter anymore or?
Are you sure you’re not talking about Eagle Eye?
I’m hoping the EotB thing was kind of a joke because it was a toy and not meaningful in practice.
[Biggest Shadowlands Fears]
…that Blizzard hasnt learned a lesson about AP and essence grinds.
I honestly don’t understand why people are upset about Eyes of the Beast coming back. It’s a largely fluffy and fun piece with very little mandated use.
It’s mainly a fun spell! Nothing wrong with having a fun spell. Priests have “Confessions,” for example. Just a fun thing.
It’s mainly because people are worried about how class design is going to play out in Shadowlands, after the disastrous class design in BfA. So seeing them bring back fluff abilities like Eyes of the Beast, Ritual of Doom or Frostbolt on a Fire Mage, instead of more substantial abilities like Kill Shot doesn’t give people hope.
That or they’re the kind of player that thinks Eagle Eye is button bloat and wants all classes stripped down to Demon Hunter levels of buttons .
100% agree with this sentiment.
They still have Anime Power. Sadly, I think it’s going to be the same thing, but they’re going to tweak it so you can only grind so much a day or week (like PVP gear pre-Legion). If there isn’t a final cap on it however (like PVP when you got all your gear), it’s only going to be a moderate improvement over the Azerite Power of today.
All of these systems make it so you can never really finish. Corruption and Azerite Traits are more examples of endless grind mechanisms because you will never find the best gear with the best Traits and the best Corruptions. If you do, you should buy a lottery ticket. Sadly, Ion has already stated that he’s happy with how Corruption worked even though most players don’t like it.
I’m not convinced making the game a chore is good for Blizzard’s bottom line.
I hate picking up poop, and I hate grinding endless resources.
On short term, it might very well be. It keeps players…playing. Depending on how it’s done ofc.
The thing about it though, is that in the long run, players won’t keep playing.
Many players that is.
Apparently this is IONS game, not Blizzards as a game company
I mean, he’s not here accidentally, he perfectly embodies blizzard’s vision with an unmatched apathetic way.
It’s still too soon to say anything beyond wild speculation but so far it seems like you shouldn’t expect a lot of class changes.
I find it hard to be worried. BfA is a very low point for class design and I still like it (GCDs on cooldowns are the only thing I despise), so chances of a screwup that will ruin the class for me is almost impossible.
I just dont main anything anymore. I wanted to try a hunter in BFA so I could farm Blood stained bone and then run my alts up. Between the crap they did the the hunter pet early BFA and then another mindess AP/essence grind, just lost interest in having a main character or playing BFA other than to get crap I wanted.
Hoping SL’s will make up for it, but I doubt it.
Very good point indeed, I would have loved to hear tranq shot was coming back
Would be pleasantly surprised if they made MM mobile again
MM has never been really mobile to my knowledge. Aimed Shot has always had a long cast time except when it procced or was made instant by gear.
If it were instant, I would be a lot less discouraged by the spec. When I play MM now, I’m lucky to get a cast off before stuff dies. Certainly don’t get two rotations very often - even against bosses if they have a lot of movement.
The lack of mobility was primary reason I never played MM before the pre-Legion patch. Being agile was as much fun as doing damage. Lock and Load was fun too. SV in general was very fast-paced with a lot of mobility.
In MoP you could get a glyph to make Aimed Shot castable while moving, and in WoD they made it baseline IIRC
Okay. Fair enough. The instant cast in WoD was from the T18 4P set I believe. I don’t think it was ever baseline.
MM in WotLK came with instant Aimed Shot and Chimera Shot.