Biggest Shadowlands Fears

I dont think they’ll do the type of damage boost like Hm used to have, so IMO it’d be best if HM had only a 15-20% for the hunter only or smaller, but balanced with possibly a limited duration.

This. This right here is my exact concern.


Another reason why my ESO accounts are on standby.


How about give marksman back chimera shot, make binding shot a stun again, give us freezing arrow, trap launcher because it takes 100 years for a trap to land depending how far you throw it, give back aspect if the iron hawk cause MM is TOO squishy for us to be mail wearers, and raise the Lock n Load procs to 20%


and give Survival one more decent spell for a rounded rotation. Doesnt need to be anything big…just some mediocre filler will do…




Biggest problem with HM right now is that it costs a GCD and multiple target switches lead to significant downtime. If it works like it did in the past where it auto-applies when you use your rotational abilities then it would be fine. Of course i’d still like it as its own button for PvP reasons.

Giving HM baseline also frees up a talent spot on a very boring row for MM. Hopefully we get something cool.

Overall I think class design hit rock bottom in BfA, it can only get better from here.

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biggest fear is MM being ignored and a failed spec for another 2 years. still remember how it took all of BFA beta for them to reduce aimed shots 3 sec cast time.


Honestly, SV’s rotation(s) 're based around RS/MB and KC as fillers for different purposes. I think that the Specs need something to add a little complexity back to Hunters; instead of 3-5 ability spammers.

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If they plan on keeping it melee KC needs to be changed to flanking strike


Dude, for MM, that’s the only talent we choose from their talent tier. That’s not something hunter players asked for out loud, but it was the only talent we choose from that tier.


It could be changed so when you used it, you could dash towards the target or get something to change it like that.

Personally I mostly used “Eyes of the Beast” for scouting purposes in both PVP and PVE back in the day.

Someone’s new to the concept of getting what you give, eh?

My biggest fear is that the talents that are dead in the talent tree either will stay dead, or won’t be made baseline.

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Can’t post on your Hunter anymore or?

Are you sure you’re not talking about Eagle Eye?

I’m hoping the EotB thing was kind of a joke because it was a toy and not meaningful in practice.

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[Biggest Shadowlands Fears]

…that Blizzard hasnt learned a lesson about AP and essence grinds.


I honestly don’t understand why people are upset about Eyes of the Beast coming back. It’s a largely fluffy and fun piece with very little mandated use.

It’s mainly a fun spell! Nothing wrong with having a fun spell. Priests have “Confessions,” for example. Just a fun thing.