Yup, you heard it, their biggest revenue for Q4 was Gold selling.
After that people are still wondering what drives this game, it’s not quality content that will make you hook or changes and balancing every month for the “new” feeling, it’s time gating everything with time and GOLD.
- less loot ? buy gold and then buy BiS 100k gear at the AH.
- Radio silence on Looting being almost invisible, why do you think ? Gold selling is too much important for loot flooding the AH for gold.
- M+ sucks ? buy carries with gold so you have free loot
- Why do you think 1 M+ dungeon gives you a 225 in the vault ? so you buy carry.
- Leggo ilvl235 costing now 100k gold, buy gold.
- Profs are now useless due to the making cost being more than just buying a 30$ coin.
Yup, Wow is a gold selling platform for real money now, it drives and will drive the game from now on, everything will be made so YOU will think twice before putting in the hours OR buy the sweet sweet 30$ coin.
If they really wanted to destroy Chinese gold selling they could have simply bring down their platform like they did with private servers, but no, wow is FIRST a #1 gold selling platform for hooked up emotional driven players.
I started in a fresh server, with a fresh boosted toon with 10 gold to my name at the launch of BFA.
I have “cancelled” my sub and have not paid for anything since feb 2019.
Wow is a great game.
This message brought to you by the disgruntled gold-sellers who need new room to grow now that they’ve saturated the market for classic gold?
Keep in mind that tokens are also purchased to pay for subscriptions. So some of that “gold selling” is actually related to subs. And even if they removed the tokens, carries would still be a thing. I bet if you googled it you could find a dozen sites that off carries for RL money.
I wouldn’t doubt it, personally, but I’d like to see the actual numbers. It’s Google time 
So… sub fees, gold fees, store fees which are optional, but still fees… poorly written expansions that barely function designed to gate you, irritate you, and encourage you to p2w.
I thought their #1 source of income was murgle plushies.
exactly, if only they would try at least
this is a good thing… wow has a small sub. it’s literally 16 years old, but it keeps pushing out new expansions… so whatever Blizzard has to do it keep WoW profitable and cause Activision to give the greenlight new expansions is a good thing.
Otherwise WoW will be a stale game like Runescape… no new expansions, just boring dead gameplay with nothing new to offer.
I’d rather it die honorably than sell itself like a night worker.
. . and your point is? The only thing mandatory to play WoW is an active account. Other things are totally optional and up to the player to purchase/use. Would you suggest Blizzard regulate the amount of spending that players can do outside of their base subscriptions? Should Blizzard not offer items/features that people are willing to pay for?
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you say this, yet you still buy all the latest expansions and stay subbed.
Do you have a source for this?
Lol. Fake news at its best.
I’ve got 1 month left. Please don’t assume I intend to actually continue past my sub time. I have spent more time on the forums than I have in game. FYI.
Plus, I’ve been gone since LK, and I came back when my friend suggested it last year for Shadowlands. Guess what… he quit last month.
The problem with gold being their greatest revenue source is that they don’t have to care about the content, in fact their design philosophies are now divergent and conflicting: the incentive is to design the game to maximise token sales by making loot scarce, pvp undoable if not being carried etc. Basically destroying the game experience for people who just want to sub and play and not be carried.
I have never had any inclination to buy gold with real money, ever, and I never will.
This is a game and is fun and it is okay the way it is. If some people need to P2W or really, pay to get slightly ahead at the beginning of the expansion, I don’t care.
Not all of us are buying specifically wow stuff with our wow gold… I bought some things on HoTS. 
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