Biggest revenue for Blizzard now is not Subs, it's gold selling

Oh please, go visit the pvp forum and look at all the threads complaining of players facing glad carriers at low mmr. This oft quoted tripe about being bad in relation to valid criticism is getting old now.


I don’t really get these claims - when someone buys a token and sells it for gold, someone else is getting game time out of it. I know that Blizzard effectively get a cut, but the majority of the money spent on tokens is ultimately still paying for game time.


Pass. Why would I ever waste my time doing that?

So all the successful PVPers this expansion are just gold spending their way to success…right…

Oh look someone putting words into my mouth. Some people aren’t even worth the time, why don’t you go troll someone else.


Did they say that on the cc?

Intuitively I doubt it because the client software revenue was in Q4. If 3.7 million ‘boxes’ were sold at $40 each (lowball estimate), that’s $148 million for the quarter.

Then…add in the sub revenue depending on how many $15/month subscribers there are and the remaining amount has to be split between token sales, pets, mounts, and other merch sales as well as traditional game services.

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That is exactly the argument you were trying to make. Denying it now only shows how weak it was.

It’s the argument that’s made over in the pvp forums loads of times. Ladder of success - #4 by Skunk-garona
Arena Carries are P2W - #17 by Seansathen-arathor
Too hard to get out of the 1700 bracket
Why facing glad,r1,and duelist in 1650 mmr?


since cataclysm*

but yeah, never a good idea to resub for a flaky friend, especially if they play horde D: never dependable.

Well I mean, the answer is simple: Stop playing games that treat you like crap.

Each and every one of us has a line where we feel like a game is taking advantage. Maybe for you WoW is on the right side of that line, maybe not.

Suck it up, Buttercup, and stop playing games that you know in your heart are not playing fair with you. If you don’t like the behavior of a company, stop giving them money.

I personally think Blizzard treats players like crap in lots of ways right now. I unsubbed. So have my friends.


We call that classic. :wink:


Random level 20 character… check.
0 post history… check.
0 achievements… check.

Troll detected! Troll detected!

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Blizzard 2005: ‘Buying gold creates an unfair advantage so we are banning your account indefinitely’
Blizzard 2020: ‘Biggest gold seller in Warcraft history’
What happened to buying gold creating an unfair advantage? It still does just Blizz don’t care because $$$.
This game is pay to win in 2021.


Agreed. They were SO insistant that buying gold was bad for the game back in the earlier times. They always encouraged us to report gold sellers, or people who bought gold in order to maintain the health of the game. I think it’s because they didn’t have the market monopolized.

People in the community used to speak out against gold buying, and selling. Now, the people embrace it with open arms, and willingly support this practice because Blizzard does it. The game has literally done a 180.


And here folks we a prime example of the common species ‘Ignoramus Gulliblis’. Originally only a species seen on the rare fringes of society, they rose to prominence from the years 2016 to 2020 and have sadly become somewhat of an infestation.

We hope that with some simple remedies that we can reduce their population by increasing their overall resistance to what we’ve started calling ‘Bridge Troll Syndrome’ which is the primary way that they spread.


Yea, we used to form groups and push content together. Now its hard to find groups that aren’t selling runs.

Guilds full of people who run +4 max. :sleepy:

For me, this game is really night and day. I see the drastic changes it has taken. I’m someone who left in LK during the Ulduar Phase. Back then, it was very coop friendly, and people frowned upon buying gold.

We had professions that made us money… on and on. I wont completely regurgitate the past, but you understand what I’m saying.

Fast forward to now, and I see a completely different game, a different community, and a different mindset over all. For me, it’s like plunging in to ice cold water, but for the people who stuck around, and saw gradual changes it’s no different than gradually changing the temperature.

I also see a drastic decrease in customer service, content quality, and Blizzard’s presence in the community.


For me it’s the opposite. I pay my sub with gold. For every buyer there’s a seller – it should even out. Although I think the token costs an extra $5 compared to a sub. I’m pretty sure it’s not $30 like the OP says.

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For the record folks, at no point in the recent earnings call was gold selling mentioned. Period. So the OP is literally full of crap and is trolling you.

So if you genuinely believed the OP and jumped on the bandwagon. Congrats, you gave him a bite.


Yeah it’s $20 for the token.

And that’s why they’re so obsessed with making everything a gold sink in recent years. Hit exalted, hand over hundreds of thousands of gold for a mount that would have been free in the past because grinding the rep to exalted was the cost.

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