Biggest bolt I've ever seen

wtf i don’t even have 1 million HP with 476 ilvl

From all the times I’ve heard about this guy my assumption is his character has a glitch that he has never reported or maybe doesn’t even know is happening. Either that or he has a method of exploiting gear swapping to make this happen, maybe an issue with Azerite traits?

I do remember looking at a screenshot of Heckindoggo pulling a 900k+ bolt on a target dummy but I’m not sure how long it took him to get the right combo of procs + cooldowns + essences to get that, or even repeat it.

im actually curious how bolts are getting this big, is it just lucky infernal proc into real infernal into another proc so they get like 20+ stacks?

Void ritual x2 is the only way along with other procs. You pretty much have to align the stars and then get the bolt. Without the alignment would’ve still probably been 300-350k

its not just bolt though, some1 said they were hit with a big like 300kish ToD yesterday i believe i dont know if its a related bug. void ritual wouldnt affect ToD that much

I believe that thread determined the cause was pressure points just showing big dam

ok nvm then

Dester just has insane scaling and with double void ritual your stats go through the roof

I’ve been playing double destro, and did you know you can’t even carry 2 healthstones? lol what a trash game…

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this is a copy pasta posted by heckindoggo in nalias chat while big simpin


Its mainly the fact that crit + mastery + vers all buff Chaos bolt dmg independantly.

Gaining 40% of each of those stats is freakin massive CB buff

Not surprising the Durotar Duelist got offended.


His mog kinda farms tho ngl

who is this idiot with a mispelled server talking to me?

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Big words for a barely dread r1 that’s gotten hardstuck 2400 every season proceeding it


Waiting for Doggo to show up and be like HoW dO i BoLt LiKe HiM??//

You know he’s gotten R1 on multiple different classes in multiple seasons right? Lmao


How much damage from a Chaos Bolt do you need to kill a Guardian?

I ran into a rlly geared destro lock that 2 shot my inattentive butt with 270k bolts no sky fury 1 sec cast time chaos bolts

I got hit for a 264k and then a 364k chaos bolt… Aint nobody living that… I will find when i get home.