So all the other blizzard games are having patches and event starting tomarrow…
Hearthstones surprise reveal today of the new patch event tomarrow
overwatch new patch tomarrow that has celestial skin and gaia skin + maybe its halloween event too?
diablo 2.6.10
Call of duty: cold war (---->ZOMBIES<----) reveal wednesday
might as well toss in
pre-patch since
he leaked it anyhows
no tomarrow
mmmm all that bone marrow from the scourge
All signs point at the sixth, so I doubt it.
20 day pre-patch lol… why even bother
A nerfed pre-patch, at that.
But hey, it is what it is. /shrug
I will be the 6th. Brewfest is over, the rep buff is over and the exp buff will be over by then.
what do any of those have to do with pre-patch? SL drops DURING hallows eve event
and if supposedly the first week of pre-patch is nothing and the zombies are only 2 weeks after then pre-patch literally doesn’t effect brewfest
They will not have to squish the gear from Brewfest for another year, give them time to work on it. they don’t want the exp or the rep buff with the new leveling system.
No, but squishing levels and scaling dungeons during an event that features a dungeon run, is what would affect Brewfest.
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lol its already squished, get the brewfest gear and copy ur toon to ptr
The reasoning or logic behind that is blizzard ever since legion has been doing pre patch after some kind of event has ended, aka brewfest, the bonus rep and the xp event are all to end and what better way to retain players than to drop a pre patch.
There’s a better chance that Shadowlands is delayed, than prepatfch dropping Sept 29th.
Corruption vendor rotation ends on the sixth.
Season warning was a week ago.
BFA Catch-up events are in place until the end of September.
It’s the sixth unless SL gets delayed (it won’t be, by the way).
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Of course not, keeping investors happy > keeping players happy.
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I thought they said the XP buff lasts until pre-patch?
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I’m going to miss the reputation buff.
…so I’m secretly hoping for the 13th… 

While I tend to agree that is what we got…no dates in the announcement makes me ponder why not?
I come up with only 2 things:
- They forgot to add the dates explicitly. I tend to discount this as they would have fixed that by now. I simply don’t believe they both forgot to put the dates in AND have not noticed people asking about the omission in literally every wow community of any size (or at least all of them I have wandered through).
- They want to retain the ability to push the date back by not announcing it in advance. This could be for any number of reasons including struggling internally to crunch due to the distribution of the devs. I know that crunch can be/is slowed down by not having everyone in one place based on personal experience of distributed projects when I worked in corporate america.
I know that laws on pre-purchase as well as investor expectations make it unlikely to push the launch date. However variance of laws based on pressure to conform to COVID measures is happening all over the place. There are also quite a few activist investors in gaming, and it seems like more and more all the time, that have a longer term view and are pushing executives about harming larger long term profits for short term gains.
I’m looking forward to seeing if we get an announcement tomorrow. I expect to and I suspect at this point it will be the 6th but would be unsurprised if it was the 13th.
I don’t think the “Ending soon” announcement has even given a date. Here is the quote from the Legion PVP ending:
The gates will soon close on Legion PvP Season 7 with the release of the Battle for Azeroth pre-expansion patch. Don’t worry though, you’ll still be able to take part competitive PvP in a special post-season which will end with the launch of the expansion on August 14.
This announcement was on 7/5/2018. On July 12 they announced the pre-patch would be 7/18/
So about 1 week from “ending soon” to prepunch announcement for the following week so about 2 weeks from start to finish.
Which makes the 6th being their original date more plausible. We got the warning last Monday, I imagine Friday (maybe before that, but I think the past two expansions the formal date was the Friday prior) we will get the announcement that it is next week.
I was pretty firm in the “it’s tomorrow” camp before the Khadgar mess, but I forgot they had an outstanding realm connection to wrap up. I think this week was their planned wrap up loose ends with Realm Connections all along.
The laws don’t factor in. All they have announced was that it would hit by the end of the year, something they never varied from even when they were adjusting to COVID.
However, there is no way they announced a firm date unless they were determined to release that date, no matter the state of the game.
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These seem quite unrelated but im liking your post for including them.