Big Love Rocket Icon Change



Thank you so much for continuing to make meaningful changes that we all know we want. I can’t wait to see what else you’ll fix.


I don’t think they changed it for the reason you’re thinking of.


To be fair, the “before” icon is the same one used for those rockets you fire off during the holiday that produce the heart shape in the air.

That’s part of the reason when I got the mount to drop that I didn’t realize it at first since I just saw the item in my bag and thought it was the firework, not the mount. It was only when I went to fire off the firework that I saw the tooltip and realized what had happened.

Now, if they change the icon for the firework, then you’re on to something. Otherwise, it’s just preventing confusion and making the mount icon look like the mount to avoid existing confusion, as least in the soulful eyes of this bovine.

Or if they change the name of the mount, you’re onto something, but that hasn’t happened, either.

/moo :cow:


i always thought the item itself was one of “those” references…

maybe they should just remove the item period :eyes:

(jk don’t kill me, i still need it too)


Hahaha. It looks like a pink sex toy. That’s hilarious.


Now they just need to make it a 1% drop chance instead of the 0.01% or whatever it’s currently at.


Never forget the original icon for Serpent Flesh in BC.


I’d be disappointed as I haven’t gotten it yet, but then again I could stop subbing back up during February finally.

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It seems like everywhere you look now a days, you see lots of phallic symbols.

daz gross op

Well if they’re going to do that they should at least make it a two seater. How can we invite others for a ride if there’s only one seat? I mean, they’d have to sit on the drivers lap or something.

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this is the change we needed. i feel the toxicity levels dropping by the minute!

  • /s
    (in case it wasnt obvious lol)
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What’s the saying? When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

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Shhh, don’t tell 'em why

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Can’t tell if you are sarcastic or serious, but this change is just ridiculous. What the actual hell? Anything thats not conservative is getting removed?
Do they realize this is how a lot of oppresive cultures in the world behave?

Really, What a completely awful change. I hated the “My bag is Gigantique” rename and now this. What’s next? you guys will also remove succubus?

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This still doesn’t address my biggest complaint that I have about it.

The fact that I still don’t have it, and that is a grave sin…


This is great news, the name should also be changed though.