Big Love Rocket Icon Change



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

there are more than a few icons that look suspiciously like an adult “toy”. I wonder if they’ve all been changed

it 100% is

New icon reminds me more of the Wowhead Rocket

did the name change?

As long as I get to keep my only pink rocket mount I don’t care. There are very few pink mounts and that is the only rocket I have in my position. It took me four years to get that mount.

My mind doesn’t work like most people’s I guess, my mind does not lean in that direction of inappropriatuon. It’s only something it’s not, only if you want it to be.

Drop rate change too? :slight_smile:

Only people looking for them :smiley:

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lol i wouldn’t be surprised if they lowered the drop rate to a point where it just never appears again…just my luck :frowning:


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