Big Love Rocket Drop Rate!

Any chance Blizz we’re going to see a drop rate better than 1/3333? Since none of the holidays this year were updated I have little hope, it’d be nice to get some sort of answer on this since a lot of us will need to figure out if we need to level a bunch of toons to the new cap or not


I don’t want it nerfed now. Do you know I started farming for it in 2010?

I got mine in 2022.

Want to know how?

40 toons a day :s


Yeah it shouldn’t require 12 years with 40 toons to get


But to make it easy now would be a slap in the face to all of us who worked for years and years and finally got it.

Somebody suggested that I try being luckier.

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They added 10 more character slots. 60 toons now, go go.

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Not my problem, nerfs happen :slight_smile:


Which is why nothing in this game matters anymore. If you make all the “rare” stuff easy to get, then it just feels like being on Oprah with “you get a car, and you get a car, and EVERYBODY gets a car”

Sometimes I wanna feel special :frowning:

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658 times last year for me alone and I didn’t get it. I have been farming for it for 10 years too. I’ll get 10 more characters, but it really shouldn’t be more rare than invincible. I would welcome the change. If they changed the headless horse mount or brought the long boi back, I wouldn’t care. Then again I’m glad they are bringing back the feel drake.


In my case, invincible is more rare. I don’t have that one yet lol.

Nor do I have it.

Get a TCG mount!

LOL We see whats happening with that drake. That are already ruining the special for players who did that

Opening card packs and giving money to scalpers isn’t prestigious though

How about that blue archaeology spider mount?

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If you agree to not ask questions about where I get it I can get you a lucky… something’s foot that will up your luck.


Blizz has been silent in this Sadge

This is my biggest concern…If I’ve to level up 30 alts before February again, just because the minimum level is moved or not.

There’s a post on the CC forums but well a lot of topics outside of Class balance, M+, Raid and PvP are left behind


Its unfortunately, but We should be real, this approach was bad since its creation, It only damages the game image for new and returning players. It shouldn’t required an army of alts. At least it shouldn’t have an ID and you could spam it with a single character; therefore, all players will have the same attempts. However, the drop % is really bad and just cause frustation.


I was actually thinking about this today after complaining about this mount to a friend. If it was spammable all day on a single character (like some dungeon mounts are - stonecore drake, infinite time reaver, etc) would at least be a little more reasonable, but it’s still an awful option. No mount that is only available 2 weeks a year on a daily attempt lockout should be anywhere near a 0.03% drop rate.

There’s no prestige in an RNG drop mount, only frustration.


True and I want to enjoy more DF Season 1 but if there’s not a response about the changes or anything, I’ll have to level up a lot of alts from 50 to 60, hopefully next week that’ll be easier because I feel burn out of SL content.