Big list of items that are bugged in game from around an hour ago

fwiw, classic hc servers seem to be working fine. also… its a better game XD

Did you reopen the ticket to try to get an actual human response vs an auto/bot form response? 'Cause wow, that’s a bad response if it actually was a human… =/

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Did the maintenance this morning fix anything?


I doubt it, only because I’ve seen posts after the maintenance that say people are desyncing on loot still


Yeah, I’m seeing that on X as well. Unbelievable, just take the game down, this is bad.


Just added another edit, I’ve been in game and been ok so far personally.

24 hours later - most people seem to be ok, some people intermittent issues. Many people have lost currency in transfer, some logged tickets with screenshots from logs as evidence and have had it restored, others haven’t.

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Might have been a shorter list if you just said what “was” working. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah well, flying seems to have been fine the whole time. :sweat_smile:

yep same problems here. Submitted a ticket and was told to post on bug report forum so here i am lol.

I finished and timed a Mythic +11 City of Threads on my paladin and upon completion, I could not loot the reward chest and did not receive any Gilded Harbinger Crests. I could not log out or exit the game, so I had to exit the game through task manager. When attempting to log back in, I could not log into my pally and was faced with a message in the character select screen stating “A character with the same name already exists”, despite multiple attempts to log in.

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I like how there was no acknowledgement that the whole game broke


Not only that, but neither MMOC, Blizzard Watch, or WoW Head reported on it.


probably its the Chicago datacenter and the other is in Los Angeles

I’m from Australia, no clue what data center that would be, had just as many issues

I lost 5 radiant echos trying the world soul event. Went into the event, attacked first mob and got stuck in eye beam. Couldnt move/exit/etc. Had to task manager out of wow.
Got the same error as everyone else, character already exists, while trying to log back in. Took about an hour but it finally reset. Went back in and the 5 echos were gone and my toon was out of the event.

I have a character that glitched UNDER terrain, died, and can’t release because the server boots me out.

Just making sure. Have they fixed the looting bug yet on Time Walking dungeons? Didn’t play yesterday so I don’t know if that’s fixed yet.

I haven’t done TW but I believe pretty much everything is normal again from what I’ve seen.

Edit :2 hours after this

Happening now - a few times now of different toons: Siren isle still bugging out on certain quests - the cannonball one freezes and boots me out of game.

Of course they aren’t reporting the problems. They make their money by saying everything is awesome. They are about as close to second party without being legally tied to the mothership.

Ongoing issue with Warband bank . Items and money randomly disappear. I have reported this several times here and via bug report within game.