Big Fat Middle Finger to Players Still Playing

My exact reasoning for not wanting to put too much time into SoD is the developers deciding that any grind or farm could be deemed “not worth it” simply because they feel like it.

Big FAT Middle Finger to players stockpiling Mooncloth. I had a big fear they would screw over players stock piling stuff I sold off my 40+ Mooncloth. Thank God I did because guess whats already going down in price!!

Suppose I should sell off my Arcanite bars because all the whiners will come out of the woodworks once they get a TF or HoR and need X amount of bars they can’t afford with the destroyed economy.

Bookmark this thread. They will make the cost requirements of all those legendaries significantly cheaper and they’ll excuse their bad decisions with “it’s just a seasonal server!!!”


Speculating financially isn’t supposed to be a guaranteed thing.


the only seasoning they used in the season was salt


Exactly why I’m selling things off that usually would be valuable.

Those items would still retain value, but again, it’s the developers decisions to change that without any real need for it.

I’ve figured if something is cool and requires an applied effort, Blizzard is probably going to make it nearly free.

Season of Swiping.

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is this a guild name or somethin gbc i like the name big fat middle finger

I hope they completely change the mats for AQ.


Oh no, you poor thing. :dracthyr_shrug:



I think they want people to discover what its like to play the game, with the cool unobtainable items or areas that were in the game.

I dont think they care about the economy of the seasonal server. Keep hoarding mats so you can mess up the market worse than the gdkps do


i would, these will likely drop dramatically in price once Winterspring , Silithus and Eastern plagues open up to the general miners in phase 4, same as arcane crystals.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the T1 gear can be bought from a vendor at some point, like once BWL is launched.

iT’s A SeAsOnaL SeRvEr AfTeR AlL

Meanwhile we are not 60, it’s been running for 8 months and we are not getting P4 until the end of july…


wahh i bet against a server known to make qol improvements over era


They didnt even announce what mats will be used for this yet. could be 5 mooncloth and 5 cured rugged leather hides for all we know.

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oh yeah… “QOL” uh…

I disagree more large bag options is good for everyone but crafters who wanted to try to corner the market.


Okay why would that be a problem?

Does it really require explanation ?

Not really, you just don’t like the idea because and can’t explain why.

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It always pleases me to find Blizz went out of their way to dunk on the sweaty sweat lords that literally ruin the servers with their greedy goblin-ness.


They told you when this server started that the sweat lord stuff isnt going to fly here and that they wanted SoD to be easy to get into and they are keeping that by making changes like this one.

Sorry you can’t fleece me on some bags in the AH this time.

Not sorry. GL with the next sweatlord scam brotato!


ah yes, the sweatlord scam of uhh, saving materials for a time when they might be more in demand, what a scumbag! get him boys!

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