Big Fat Middle Finger to Players Still Playing

Yes that is in fact all the things a greedy goblin sweat lord does.

Thanks Peep.


trying to make gold on a seasonal server was your first problem


Bc hes leet

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oh no the players stockpiling mats aren’t going to realize maximum profits. what do


You planned on stockpiling mats to price gouge people is what i see here… So im actually really happy blizzard is doing this. Thanks for letting me know i can save my gold for 18 slots


Don’t worry brotha, I’m only around 6k gold now.

Something else will be bottled necked that people aren’t anticipating.

See the thing is when the information is out there, people can react and prepare. It’s really an amazing feature in games that I enjoy, the logistics and preparation. Whereas I might not be as skilled as I want to be, I can easily overcome that difference in proper planning.

What really sucks for a game is when they inject abstract discovery systems. Just as we saw in ST with the nightmare seeds, the next “materials” are going to be either A) hard to get but not hard enough for the best players to get copious amounts or B) welfare status.

SoD has been failing miserably with theses “discoveries” lets just be honest.

Anything that people have enjoyed was a copy/paste. Anything that people have hated have been a copy/paste. And now to make the playing field more even and fair for those that can’t play a game with planning beyond a few days, they’re giving a big olllllll fat middle finger to any player who has tried to endure the drought of content.

You could simply touch some grass. It is summer. You don’t have a guy pointing a gun on you, forcing to farm hundreds of expensive mats in the game.

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Grass is overrated

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this is true.

if “outside” was good, we wouldn’t have invented “inside”.


Why are you even making them. On Wild Growth (Alliance side) they cost about 82g to make and sell for 67g. Even with the Transmutation perk you’re more likely to lose money with each craft. – I’m assuming that’s about what the other servers are at.

today is the first triple-digit day of 2024 where i graze. suffice to say, i’m staying inside.
but P3 SoD is dull now that I’ve done all the quests available at Level 50 that aren’t ‘raid’ quests and I have zero incentive to level a Druid or Warlock alt to 39.

why is having 2 18 slot bags a bag thing bro? at lvl60 all you do farm. farm for mats farm world buffs. and farm raid prep every week I for one glad you can have 18+ craftable bags

should i also remind you that onyxia always drops highiest slot bags you get 4 of them

lol. Mooncloth will still be used in a ton of crafting patterns and for the fire res gear.

My theory is that sweaty whales are buying it all and will gouge come P4.

We’ll see!


crafting patterns man can only think about 5 mooncloth patterns top of my head. be perfectly honest its needs more. i mean epic ropes are like bind on pick cant even sell them most cloth made items from molten core kinda a joke

Because I get procs.

Good! You deserve the finger. Game doesnt revolve around you.

Looking forward to the SuperMoonCloth Bag (20 slot)

(No I didn’t datamine it, but I would find it hilarious that people throwing tantrums based on incomplete information would regret it.)

Solution: Wait and See, don’t do something you can’t undo before we know what’s up. It’s literally Season of Discovery…the whole idea was surprises in Classic WoW.
How people saw that and thought: “I should prepare for this to be a carbon copy of my last 5 WoW Vanilla playthroughs” is mindboggling.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Speculation and Derivatives. Sometimes when you make a bet on them, you lose.

Dont gamble what you cant afford to lose. The good news is you can now use that mooncloth for other things. I guarantee itll be a material in new crafting recipes.


Mooncloth now, mooncloth often.
(Waiting for the Mooncloth Master proc in P4, or CD reduction…)