Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Well I didn’t say they were mutually exclusive. They should not be.
Unfortunately, I can still kind of see something like that happen, because I don’t really trust blizz.

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The future is basically phasing anyhow so it’s like having your cake and eating it too. Teldrassil is both gone forever and yet still there if you want to go back.

I just can’t see a Blood Elf walking on all fours in the dirt no matter how much I try even as a majestic animal.

It’s not a ‘they couldn’t do it’, it’s just ‘god, would a blood elf really want to be a big hairy animal’. Then again there are all types of Blood Elves. Maybe some are super campers who have achieved druidism through their constant nature retreats.

If we get Disc Rangers, then you guys can shoot bubbles. And I say that’s the best of both worlds.

Give them the old razzle dazzle. It’s still light based with that tasty shadow flavor twist.

I mean… we have an entire 1/3rd of our army in the Farstriders who are the dirt covered, bush hiders, that would stalk prey on all fours. So… a sect of the Farstriders could become druids as they still retain the connection to nature that the night elves do.


Ruining my elegant vision of the Farstriders as this glamorous, almost Starship Troopers–eque propaganda

“I’m from Quel’thalas and I say kill em all!”

The Farstriders say that about most trolls.

  • Body jewelry (where did you keep the chains Blizz?)
  • Jewelry for Belven male, yes, I want earrings as a minimum, necklaces if possible (a male wearing jewelry has nothing wrong)
  • tattoos
  • for heaven’s sake change the way stands the female elf when cast spells, her legs are twisted in such an annoying way when she casts :expressionless:

So it occurs to me that, if Void Elves can have a tentacle toggle hiding some sections of their hair (tentacles), and how that can really affect how a hairstyle looks, would it not be feasible to do something similar for other races?

Blood Elves may not have tentacles in their hair, but many styles could have a hair toggle that alters or hides certain parts of the hair, or even adds additional hair, or adjusts the length of the hair, thus changing the style somewhat.

Here’s an example of what I mean:

What if something like that could be done to several Blood Elf hairstyles? Like removing pony tails, or making them longer or shorter. It could open up a world of variation for hairstyles!


I´m apparently the “new” Bogeyman of the Pro crowd. I saw Ellin having this embarrasingly passionate break down in your thread about me and I was like “Uh? Excuse me Ma´am, I don´t have any freaking idea what your buddies are selling to you but the only thing I said about you was literally that I never trusted your “good will” considering you upvoted the troll asking to get every freaking Belf thing copied. And last time I saw I literally told her that to her face like a month ago, so…?”

The only possible answer? They´re making up BS and telling the unsuspecting naive ones I´m the source. I suppose I´ll takje advantage of that, then (I mean, this will either make them appear in this thread to try to “bait me” -giving us precious traffic- OR they will deffinitely abstain from posting here -even better, we won´t have to deal with their double standards-. The way I see, it it´s a win-win for me.

Why am I NOT surprised at the usual suspects insisting the Belves HAVE TO be about the Light and nothing else?

And then they wonder why I put their biased non informed, outdated and borderline on bad faith views on ignore. I agree with you Soul, the Belves have a much bigger thematic scope than “muh Light” (heck, as I told Turokan in this very same thread, when one actually goes and reviews all and every semi relevant participation of the Belves in the game, one actually discovers the “huge” amount of dedication especifically put on the “Light” as a cultural concept for the race is limited to… Liadrin. And nothing else.

Someone has not paid attention to the Fem Rogue Stealth animation I see…

Halduron apparently likes to dress in rags and pretend top be handicaped to bait Amani Troll patrols dude, so… yes, they probably won´t care?

What´s with this nonsense about Belves getting to be portrayed only as vapid Valley Girls and nothing else? And then people wonders why we really don´t appreciate the feedback from some members of the Alliance / Helfer community, smh.

Baby steps Nico, first let´s ask for the runic scarifications, the warpaint and the scars (heck, the scars to be available with ALL the face options would probably had to be implemented as a toggle themselves). Once we secure AT LEAST those asets, maybe we can ask for more elaborated stuff like this one.

That´s why I´m not sold on the “share hairstyles with the Velves” idea. Cause I´m well aware of the lazy policy of this company, and that petition IS lazy.


Before I forget, Lance was kind enough to assist.

Behold! Davy Voidberg Jones!


The tiara hairstyle for Blood Elves NEEDS to have color options that change hair adornments as the Nightborne do in the 9.1.5 PTR. It’s honestly one of the best hairstyles female Blood Elves have.


And a toggle to remove the tiara as well!!


That’s awesome!

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AAAAAHHHHH, he´s adorable!!!

Send my regards to Lance, please.

Baby steps, I rather get the toggle to remove it first.


He he, I’m a dreamer what can I say? The idea just seems fraught with potential for every race. But you’re right. Baby steps. Get the basics in place before trying to do anything fancy.

Wait…you guys don’t like the tiara on one of the only hairstyles that features jewelry? (Does the circlet hairstyle even count? Ew.)

I feel like the tiara elevates that hairstyle, but that’s just me. I just think it’s easy for the tiara to clash so having color options would be nice.

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I mean, I´m the weird Belfer that you will NEVER see asking for an updated Silvermoon.

Why, you may ask?

Cause I got the memo in BfA. And last time I saw the “update” to both Teldrassil and Undercity were anything but good for the fans of those races. Nope, let Silvermoon stay in it´s Outland bubble, cause that way it´s safety is more than guaranteed (Avarie as a Nelf player can probably tell us how “happy” did it make her to loss Teldrassil AND see Darkshore become a gameplay feature that went nowhere and hurt the Nelf lore narrative).


This is a good point. Nothing good can come out of a modern update as long as they are feeling destructive about the classic areas of the game.

Azeroth is really looking ugly these days with all of the destruction.


I despise the tiara, is basically reducing the female using it to “Barbie princess” levels.

And sorry not sorry, as an actual LORE fan of the race, I´m more than aware they are anything but vapid Barbie Valley girls. These people are though, and that´s the reason why they have managed to stay allied in CLOSER quaters with “savage” Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, etc. Cause they too can go into the dirt with zero issues if this is necessary to the survival of Quel´thalas.

I mean, that part in Tides of War in which a racist of the caliber of Garrosh actually got surprised about the proficiency of the Belf warriors was pure gold (so no. Tjhis notion they won´t go into the dirt cause they may fear to broke a nail is nothing but pure player headcanon BS).

Also, that haircut? It´s the actual haircut of Ciri in the Witcher 3 game (and she may had been a princess once, but by the time of the 3 iteration of the game she´s basically a Witcher herself, ergo though as nails). That haircut is long but practical and cute, no need to ruin it with jewerly for the people that don´t want to use that kind of jewerly.

The motto of the new dev team seems to be “we can do better than the ones before, so ERASE with the subtlety of an elephant stampede!!”.

After BfA one would believe people would be more wary of this kind of petitions.