Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Drake’s head cut style would be interesting to see from Nightborne.

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I say expand to ALL colors, in regards to this topic. If silver was no big deal for the jewerly for example, then it´s deffinitely no big deal regarding the warpaint.

Limiting access to colors is redundant after our own color palette was thrown away to the proverbial wolves… #freetheaccesstocolorsincustomizations


That would be nice, I would like a color wheel, but I don’t think the engine is set up for that. But blood elf colors I think since generally tattoos have like 2-10 ish colors.
White, Black, Red (crimson), Gold, Silver, Orange, blue, fel green, maybe some holy light yellow with some holy glow warpaint would be cool.


These are hot, I am such a big fan of hair on a man’s face, body, etc. :fire: :fire: :fire:

Oh yea, some chest hair would be nice too lol. Maybe a happy trail. Doubt they would add that.

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I would absolutely love this as well, it’s one of the reasons I love male Human shirtless when I see them. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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we should also have magister tattoos like rommath

Elf customization could be added to forsaken

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I want lightforged customization

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I´m sure Terranox suggestion coupled with the old school runic scarifications of the TBC cover art in golden tones (and maybe idk… some jewerly hair accesories in Sun mottifs) can help with this issue without literally poaching LF Draenei stuff from them.

Also… use the golden eye options will help with this.

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They stole all of our skins, ear sizes and for now five hair colors (they want even more). We should have the customization of that alliance race.

No thanks, I rather act like the bigger person here.

If we end up acting just like that and forsaking our principles, then we will achieve nothing but to look like hypocritical clowns who have no sense of self awareness.

I value visual exclusivity for the racial models of this game. And I won´t forsake my commitement to this idea just to catter to pettiness, Khairan. I still believe Belves have good enough tools and a solid lore background to get to portray this “RP fantasy” without having to literally mutilate other races while at it, simple as that.


I think blizzard is very lazy and will only reuse models.

but I support your proposals too

But didn’t you want to give Blood Elf green eyes to Void Elves?


Exactly. Burt the Belf model and the Draenei model are as different as models can be, ergo the devs will still have to create the stuff from scratch.

Trying to fulfill this and arcane RP experience and Blood RP experience and so on is why I think the best route to take is to allow more freedom in the color scale. Cause let´s be honest: most of us associate any of those RP experiences with certain color palettes.

And the bigger we have that palette, the easier it will be to represent it UNIQUELY for our own race.

I think he just got spooked about Turokan´s “Fel is the END deal!!” for Belves -and maybe even my own Blood Magic suggestions-, so he overrreacted trying to “erase” the “exclusivity” of those aspects in the Belf race so only Lightforged could be considered unique (in a way, not different to Magnificent´s very respectable dislike of Blood Magic suggestions).

I mean, he´s at least VERY consistent in wanting a focused portrayal of the Light oriented stuff for Belves… I say we just allow lots and lots of colors in general stuff (tattoos, scarifications, gems, “arcane tips” or any other hair effect suggestion, warpaint) and pat ourselves in the back for a good base model with potential for more “adventurous” stuff like wings, etc.

I’m not against any race getting customizations. I think they all deserve much more than what has been given thus far. However I think if you’re going to make a pass and only really “finish” 6 and leave the rest with a barely anything, I feel like they need to be brought up to the same level.

I’m quite happy Nightborne are getting updated, they really, really needed it. That being said male blood elves need a lot of work as well. Blood elves as a whole have diversity within the ranks of our society and the fact we haven’t had that played up and put in the game for us is ba slap in the face. If you’re going to take our identity and give it to a race that left us and were physically altered into something else, then we need to have options that make us diverse.


that’s not entirely true the blood elves and draenei female use the same model

I have to agree. Let the freedom flow! Blood Elves should not be restricted from anything IMO. If Blood Elf players want a customization, I say give it to them.


I dunno, I think the pastel purple and the wine reddish Void Elf hair colors are pretty nice. Of course I know what you really want… PINK!


Valid, 100% valid for all races. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Having some NB inspired customization for BEs and vice versa would be dope, imo. It’d be a a cool reflection of how good their societies are getting a long with each other, with their leaders dating and all of that :woozy_face:

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