Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

i mean void elves wouldnt be holy priests, any kind of mage besides void, or a warlock. theres no point to cast any other kind of magic

honestly i thought you would cite the riftrunners before the battle of lordaeron. this is my view of void elves as a race for the record. its similar to how the SC of dalaran is primarily a hunter organization but was still able to attract a few like minded mages to their side, but with void elves it would be the other way around with fewer ‘melee types’ seeking them out

we all are. but playing nature loving farstriders through something like a void elf is just weird. these elves threw away their connection to nature in favor of the void and thats what they should represent. and yes that includes alleria


I am surprised ye haven’t already such an option.
And not pleasantly.

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I don’t buy into the whole void elves as holy priest. That’s like shadow priest for LFD.

Just gameplay I think.

As for mage and warlock I think canonly they’d have void based versions of their spells.

Same for void elf hunters mind. Though I don’t think they have no connections to nature. It’s just easier to connect to the “nature” of void beings. Twisted a little.

One of the reasons you may have seen me push for glyphs for all classes to allow void looking effects or fire effects… Or like priests having loa based looking effects. Allowing a shadow priest to look as though all their spells are light ones. (think LFD shadow priest with all their spells glyphed to be light.)

Riftrunners don’t have a hunter do they? (I mostly did Alliance side islands only fought them twice and uh… They died quick.) thought they were a couple warriors and a mage.

I do agree with this.

I don’t think the majority is hunters or anything. Just that they do have them canonically.

Sure but the tattoos at least could still apply or even mean slightly different things to them than the Farstriders do.

Feathers and braids eh.

While braids are just hair so really ambivalent about them feathers seems more high elf /blood elf.

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Sorry, public forum. Don’t like any of us posting in here, go back to your discord server then.


Last I checked Moon isn’t in the same discord that I’m in. :crying_cat_face:


I want them to have more regal hairstyles. They have the tiara but I want way more. Long extravagant hair that’s out of some period drama.

They’re the fancy ones after all.


Didn’t moon say they weren’t a part of any discords?

I might be remembering wrong. I forgot Mag was part of the anti one. Lol


And so you see that Mag doesn’t aim to share a concept art that was made for Void Elves, but wants only Blood Elves to gain it.

This is why I clarify whenever she posts Void Elf dedicated art taken from artists for their customization options.

It’s basically trying to turn in someone else’s homework for credit in my eyes.


I posted it, any problem with that? she only did the favor of putting the image because I can’t!


And any of that matters why?

Am I not allowed to use any picture not explicitly made for void elves to show off a concept?


“Let me post concept for additions of a playable race and want it only for another playable race and not the intended one it was made for” doesn’t matter? She’s literally arguing that VEs shouldn’t get the options of the concept art made for them.

Ok then. Glad Blizzard fortunately hasn’t been pleasing that crowd.


theres nothing even void elven being presented there and trying to claim it isnt an attempt to steal more from the blood elf aesthetic is the dishonest take


He just really has a grudge in going after certain people to have issues with, imo.


If he has something that bothers him about my posts, tell me but don’t mess with other people just to do me a favor.



The picture in question doesn’t even look to do with void elves at all. It’s a blood elf model.

Like if I didn’t know it’s origin myself I’d just have assumed.

You don’t need to police her for the things she wants.


Mags helped someone out.

Your ire should be on this poster if you have any at all.

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As a matter of fact Magnificent made a point. Those artistic features only work for High Elf RP fantasy, NOT for Velf one.

And like they “love” to prattle on their echo chamber, both Velves and Belves are Helves ergo… congrats?

Personally I´d rather see some examples of braids using Belf hairstyles.

Exactly. And who says your Velf ranger can´t use yellow? I mran we´re not talking here about LF Draenei design style, we talking here about a different design altogether, ergo NOT a Lightforged tattoo.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Sure dude, cause a spec that only works for two races tops has more chances to be implemented than mere customizations for those races, amrite?

The devs sure proved that with the inclusion of the High Elf race /sarcasm

And Blood magic in Belves exist NOT as a tradition, but as a practice derived from a military adquisition… ergo no “military source”, no magic. Umbric can´t clone the Dark Animus, simple as that.

This just like Paladins, are the kind of stuff Blizz more likely than not will ignore no matter how much they cry, simply because one isn´t part of the Velf RP experience nor much less of the Helf RP experience (and if Blizz can avoid working on something, they will) and the other is incongruent with the Velf RP experience. IF Ally players demand elf paladins, more chances than not these will be made readily available using the Night Elf race.

Worse, nothing in-game nor in the lore says only vampires get red eyes (I mean, hello, Bleeding Hollow Orcs would love to have a word with all of us). Belves have several ways to get them without even involving the Dark Rangers ffs.

Ironic when this was EXACTLY what you people asked too in your own threads.
FYI that poster got “kicked out” cause his contributions are… nonexistant. That´s the issue: he doesn´t contributes to anything but controversy and toxic baiting.

Other posters from your “fanclub” come here (you included) to at least participate with some modicum of good faith, that´s the difference.

Dear, the model AND the very concept belong to the art team of Blizzard Etertainment since the RTS times.

So, congrats in trying to actually poach stuff that doesn´t belong to ANY of us and declare it of your “intellectual property”, I´m sure the legal team of Blizz would “love” this take if they got to learn about it.

But didn´t you know Fen, he´s totes NOT toxic, is not as if his post only are made to complain about regulars in here or to dismiss the very suggestions or to bait with bad faith arguments like “MuH aPoLoGy FoR mUh VeLvEs”.

if we have lightforged customization they could not have it

Blood Elves, Humans, Orcs, Gnomes, they have all shown to be using blood magic.

But I am sure I misunderstand what exactly it is that you are wailing about.

But it exists, and more commonly than one might think. Afterall, the defias makes use of it, some Blood Elves makes use of it, a gnome makes use of it, the bleeding hollow very much used it - it is not exactly an uncommon kind of magic, and there is clearly nothing hindering the learning of it, no special ressurection needed, no special tome needed.

So, no… it was especially introduced in Catalysm.

Non-voided skin is not part of the Velf RP experience.

There was a High Elf paladin, apprentice of Uther… light worship itself was very much a helf thing, but yes, High Elves in The Silver Hand was a rare thing - which is understandable, seeing as the High Elven nation was never really interested in the Alliance to begin with.

I don´t think yellow colored runic scarifications nor Warpaint of their own design constitute “Lightforged” customizations, but I guess thyey would get the job done for Holy leaning class combos like the pallies or the priests.

I certainly DON´T want customizations remotely similar to the ones used by the LF Draenei, I think the Belves aren´t “holy enough” to get these.

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Ofc you are, you are mixing up every kind of “Blood magic” and assuming they are the same.

They aren´t. TBC Blood Mages were NOT about Blood Magic but about some weird Fel esque application (ergo the reason why Belves only got the application after MoP, NOT before and why Gnomes plain aren´t even on the radar).

Human Vampirates are a Death application of a different magic, more similar to the principle used for Blood DKs, ergo another thing altogether.

The deffinition of “Anima” changed between the SL one and the MoP one, ergo making both applications basically opposite stuff.

Mehlar Dawnblade… a BLOOD ELF Paladin NPC.

No, I´d say Blizzard misused the term and let several different magical schools use the “brand”.

The way I see it, there are two schools: the “Death” based Blood Magic used by undead individuals (DK Tanks, San´layn, Venthyr) and the “Life” based Blood Magic (Bleeding Hollow Clan, Dark Animus a.k.a. formerly Mogu now Belves, Gurubashi Troll Tribe). The stuff called “Blood Magic” in TBC to Cata isn´t even related to the Life cosmical aspect, those are Fel based practices. And the Blood Trolls didn´t use “Blood Magic” properly either, that was Void based considering it was an Old God duping them.

I guess Blizz duped here and it would be ok if they tried to separate the concepts at least. Cause the death stuff is indeed more “vampirical” in esence, while the “Life” one is about mutations (organic manipulation was called in MoP).