Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Blood Elves should have at least been given a way to select each part of their facial hair like how most other races can now. In 9.1.5 (or whatever the update’s called) Blizzard should be giving them two moustaches and three sideburns to choose from, then some random small stuff like jewellery and tattoos.



The poster for the keebler elves left after watching his/her bait get ignored, you didn´t. You brought an issue that was sure to cause controversy for the sake of causing controversy,no more and no less.

So yes, at the end your presence increased the toxicity levels waaay more than someone who said his/her bad joke and left.

I literally checked the Dressing room between adressing you dear, and nope… not the same.

For starters, Velf beards start with a pointy design on the tip end and are longer. The chinstrap you guys don´t have. There´s only ONE suspiciosuly similar (Beaded), but even then the Belf version is bigger.

Also FYI, Velves didn´t invent beards… the mustache+goatee was first seen in Humans, sooo?

Someone didn´t read my post. Ofc Belf fans are the only ones complaining, after all the rest of the races had not had their visual uniqueness sacrificed in the QQ altar to appease a loud community.

You´re told to leave cause you don´t contribute to anything constructive. Your posts are basically: “buut, buut!!! Helf fans asked for X thing first!!”, “buut, buut!!! Customizations for Belves are fine!!” “buut, buut!!! Velves invented mustache+goatee!!”

Want to participate here and not get kicked out? Easy you ONLY have to do two things:

  1. Avoid trying to enforce your ideas yes or yes (and yesby this I mean that “buut, you guys attitude is NeGaTiVe” BS. No opinion is “negative” here dude, period. Here we don´t have a problem with people wanting to share more or less (and guess what? here people rather gets some modicum of exclusivity yes).

  2. Post at least to say “yes, I agree with these and these options” if you aren´t interested in proposing stuff yourself (which frankly would be mindboggling in itself… if youdon´t care, why come here in the first place?). But to post only to be the contrarian cookie is, I repeat, and ode to toxicity and annoyance.


feathers are something we should have clearly


Mag at it again taking concepts for “tentacle toggle to braids for void elves” and wanting blood elves to receive it.

So now who’s wanting to take stuff from the other group? :thinking:

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Ariel keep being spicy.


  1. I gotta go for a night out on the town now so peace :v:

  2. I haven’t been kicked out.

Certainly not, you just conceded and backpedaled faster than my cat when I turn on the vacuum cleaner.

Next time you come here try to be less obvious.

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just missing farstriders tats

I just want to point out how much I love your posts sometimes because I really do. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

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Whatever floats your boat :sailboat: :wink:


I can jive with that viewpoint. lol

No crying from this one.

Though personally I think the San’layn should be an AR cause they really deserve their own racials. But I’ll take either or at this point.

I dont see why not.

Its just a concept… nothing wrong with it being applicable to both sides is there?

Its not like high elves even have it.

Hell the base thing its for “farstriders” is primarily Blood Elven. Even the SC is designed based on the Farstriders ordering.


Hold up!

Thanks to Izzabelle…


thats ok but i want the colors we have seen for sure like blue and green

ive literally being staring at a blood elf farstrider with green tats for the survival hunter icon(and camouflage spell) for years. why the hell isnt this in game yet

That’s because you are one of the very few non-evil Void Elves in these threads which is why you are one of my absolute favorites. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Hehehe, I try Moon.

Their presence wouldn´t be as insuferable if they came to actually discuss in good faith, but Muir only comes here to annoy Magnificent (heck, remember them trying to claim “ownership” to those arts featuring warpaints as a Helfer creation? sorry to burst their bubbles, but they stole first those arts and models from Blizzard Entertainment themselves, ergo… as the saying on my land goes: “ladrón que roba a ladrón tiene 100 años de perdón”).

While I didn´t particularly liked any of the braids you featured (no seriously, some look horrible sorry), I can vouch for this.

Especially done in the way the picture looks a.k.a. 2 thirds of the face painted (which comes waaay closer to the warpaint concept Izzabelle posted above).

/looks at post above

Ty Fen!!!

Well, she only tried the art with ONE color, but my understanding is we should have them in several colors (including teal, after all teal is part from the icon of blood).

Izzabelle worked hard for merely ONE example (I still feel bad about asking for those, literally got her hurt).


I’m sure we’d get a couple colors at least for tattoos. I’d hope for the a nice plethora.

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Not wrong at all, but ironic considering she’s one of the folks who keeps yammering about not sharing and tired of losing “uniqueness”.

The double standard is palpable.

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I don´t get that “LeT´s ShArE dEsIgN bUt LiMiT CoLoRs!!!” BS people sometimes propose, I mean that´s the most uncreative and mediocre stance ever dudes…

Let´s us get ALL the freaking colors; heck tattoos should be available in ALL colors for ALL the races that have them, where does it say in the lore an Orc can´t use blue proper? I mean, hello, Frostwolf Clan tabard is literally sky blue!!! /repeatedly hits head on desk

Weren´t you leaving for irl compromises?

However this is were you people are limited AF… colors is NOT what should be limited, what people should ask for is differences in design.

Idc what you guys would want for your pet race, Fen or Somand can probably figure out something for the Velves. Personally, I rather Belves follow an aesthetic closer to the WC3 alpha Farstrider units (who had marks remarkably similar to the Dark Rangers -though these would had to be done very good to avoid copying Nelf aesthetics-) or bold paint like the models done by Izzabelle and that are taken from Horde aesthetics (maybe instead of arrows draw the phoenix icon in the face or the icon of blood).

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I can’t speak for anyone else, but I usually push the “differentiate through colors” because it’s easy (and therefore likely), an straightforward visual language, and seemed to be how Bliz was separating them out.

At least with buildings, ballista, mount gear, and tabards.

Though lorewise, there’s no particular reason a blood elf who likes blue wouldn’t paint their house that color.


there is no double standard. blood elves arent asking for anything from void elves. all your side ever do is try to poach from blood elves

im not asking to look like this


I would actually be worried about you if you was, just saying. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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