Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Still hoping Blood Elves, especially male ones, get the level of love and care that humans and night elves got.


I have swapped back and forth on the topic of fel blood/san’layn being an allied race or customization but I am firmly back into allied race territory.

I say let the blood elves get phoenix based themes with a dash of light and gold. These new choices wouldn’t really change their “good” moral alignment.

I think Fel blood and San’layn should be mushed together to make an allied race for the blood elves. If either isn’t enough to justify a allied race(which I personally don’t agree with) in Blizz’s eyes then maybe combined they can see the justification. This would of course be the “edgy” moral alignment.

I don’t think an allied race is a good idea. With blizzard, it’ll probably be given to the Alliance because they hate the Horde.


Blizz needs to get the message that blood elves joining the alliance is pretty distasteful. The whole bigotry from Garithos and then double downed by Jaina should result in the blood elves being pretty anti alliance and most certainly anti dalaran.


While Garithos’s actions were indeed motivated by bigotry, and I can totally understand animosity towards Jaina over the Purge of Dalaran, the Purge was not motivated by bigotry and it’s unfair and inaccurate to lump Jaina into the same box as Garithos.

Jaina was motivated by actions of members of the Horde. Jaina never had an issue with Elves in general, just the Horde after the whole Divine Bell incident which led to Anduin being critically injured.

This might seem nitpicky but it’s better to be accurate than mislead people into believing Jaina is some sort of Elf hater, which she objectively is not.


I did want to murder her when the game forced me to do the Maw scenario with her.

And I didn’t understand why I was helping save Anduin so soon after BFA.


It absolutely was bigotry. She attacked and killed tons of Belves over what a few did with the bell situation. She just pretends to be better.


But she has no issues towards High Elf citizens of Dalaran… who HELPED Jaina purge the city?


Her problem isn’t with them, it’s with Belves. Helves that joined the Horde. And she also judges all Horde by what Garrosh did for a very long time.

But now we are supposed to play nice with her. Because she got told by the Sunreavers in the Baine scenario. I guess that’s enough?


You know what, I am going to retract and say you are right. When I think of bigotry I think primarily of race, but the actual definition of bigotry isn’t just race but:

obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

I do think that it’s more accurate to say that Jaina’s bigotry was directed at the Horde rather than Blood Elves specifically for just being Blood Elves though.


Yeah I don’t mean race. Just that she went insane after Theramore. And instead of concentrating on the douche that ordered that, and who was directly involved with the bell, she just started murdering.


And understandably so when you look at her history of trying to broker peace between the Alliance and Horde only for the city she resided in and cared for to be annihilated by Garrosh. And while they were his orders, the Horde are guilty by association for carrying out those orders.

Is there a canon source (like a novel) that confirms that? I know perspective is different for that quest in game if you are Horde or Alliance. For Alliance, most of the Sunreavers are captured, not killed. But from the Horde perspective it seems far more brutal. I only ask if a canon source exists since its hard to say what is “true” when both sides see different things in that scenario.

It’s understandable for her to be pissed, but then target people involved. I feel the same way about Sylvanas attacking Teldrassil, because she was triggered by one Nelf. If they can’t control themselves to not mass murder because of emotion, then they shouldn’t be leaders. Goes for Garrosh too.

The Pandaria scenario in Dalaran where she murders them. Which Blizz later claimed she had “imprisoned” them. And then confirmed she had indeed killed them in the BFA Baine scenario.


Can you point me to that quest or dialogue just so I can reference it in the future?

You have to look up the Baine rescue where the Sunreavers confront her. I’m on a cellphone atm. So can’t grab it.

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Will do thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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The handling of both Jaina and Sylvanas as mass murderers acting on emotions isn’t a really good look. It leans into stereotypes about lady folks that are highly negative.

In other words Blizzard’s writing is bad.

But then even considering joining the Alliance or staying with the Alliance in the first place after the Alliance Prince genocided 90% of the Thalassian population and then the Alliance general tried to finish the job is awful writing.


Still want to see new things for blood elves.

I’m sick or I’d outline more… Lol


I do wish that we would get the void elf long hair style. The one that is wavy and covers 1 eye.

Ill even trade all blood elf hair colors for that single hairstyle rofl.


Blood elf and void elf females need to go on the devs twitter accounts and request thalassian female visage for dracthyr. quick before they hand the reins to microsoft.