Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I was gonna comment on how terrible she looks compared to her actually relevant sisters. She’s a player model wearing painted on BC gear. :laughing:

EDIT: Don’t know why I said greens.


They should at least give her BC blues (or Legion tier - same with Halduron incidentally) if they’re not going to give her a unique model.

The BC heroic mail set doesn’t look too horribly dated compared to some other BC sets.

Ah, oops. I actually brain farted on that. Don’t know why I said greens. It’s actually Rogue Brutal Gladiator.

Weird choice for a ranger.

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That’s oddly typical (so many rangers in leather sets - I was surprised when doing stuff in Netherstorm that the Sunfury rangers actually wear mail)


I want Lor’themar to take the throne but I also dislike that he seems to want Kael to pass any sort of torch


Lor’themar for some reason is apparently stuck on whether or not hes worthy to lead.


He needs more confidence in himself. I’d love to see him lead the Horde.

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I like him as a leader, but kinda hope he doubles down on the no more king thing, Republic of Quel’thelas or something


I think the Kael stuff with Lor’themar is just a need for closure. I think he’ll be cool after that.


Oh I would too for sure!

Well I mainly want him crowned King first of Quel’thalas but I don’t think he needs Kaels approval anymore I feel like he’s very much past that and Kael very much forfeited his right to give his nod of approval to any of Lor’themars decisions / moves he makes idk.

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I’d rather he stick true to his words: “Never again shall a king reign in Silvermoon.”


It makes him all the better choice for the position

A perma regent lord is very odd in that sense

It is, but his words make me think he wants to do some kind of restructuring when he gets two seconds where Azeroth isn’t in mortal peril.

I don’t entirely feel like there’s that much weight to that idk, he coulda felt like that at one time but him finally taking that could be progress for him, it doesn’t mean he always has to feel like that, it could be as simple as “I once said there wouldn’t be a king in Silvermoon again and yet here we are” sort of sentiment.

A permanent regent lord title is just weird idk

Definitely excited for the ‘you got an ugly chicken and paladin armor so stop asking for stuff’ crew to come barging in here and saying we should no longer be allowed to ask for customization


Yeah, but what gets my attention, is if you think about it, the warcraft universe is all over the place when it comes to trying to compare it to a time in our world’s history. Big old mix of medieval up to Victorian eras at least when it comes to tech.

What happens if you start stealing some of the political drama of the later periods of history that the tech draws from? In a way we’ve kind of have a collapse of the Horde as we knew it in BFA, and it’s starting to reform into a council system from a unitary ruler, let the ripples spread, and the various groups might decide they’re not best served with what they always had.

The Blood Elves are easy to pull this on as they had their individual moment where the monarchy was already destroyed, so don’t need like a revolution, but they could look at Kael and decide they need protection from a ruler without oversight.


I dislike that narrative to be fair I think the council is weird as is anyways

NEs already don’t have a monarch anymore, NB have (a first arcanist (?) I always found it weird Thal didn’t default to Elisandes title) VEs are a small squad, Quel’thalas has a Regent Lord so would be the closest thing to having a monarch of them all(?) and it’d be nice if he finally had that development to take that role but it could go other ways I guess.

Fair enough.

I guess I just see a good chunk of the blood elf story being about moving on from the past, so going back to what was before doesn’t feel right to me in this case.


One of the supposed leaks listing Silvermoon as an enemy city really hoping that’s not true but wouldn’t surprise me w how Blizzard treats BE fans

Blizzard hates Blood Elves.

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