Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

If they are going to let characters walk around in nothing but leg armor, there’s really no excuse.

I’m need to change these leather boxers anyway…


Speaking of… Free the pants!


It would be nice if they added an actual pants slot like they have for a shirt slot as well.

If they made male/cloth/leather looking ones it would also solve the skimpy armor debate, as you can just cover up underneath if you don’t like it and still look good.


Yeah. Soul Calibur III had this and it was great. I was bummed when it was gone in Soul Calibur IV.


“I just want some pants. A decent pair of pants!” - Brainiac.


Just popping in to say I hope blizz is taking note of the wonderful ideas in this thread.


A Belf Buzz Cut is all I ask.


Hmm… I have a toon that would look very nice on.


Blood Elves are still without any impactful option additions despite losing visual uniqueness.

Blizzard couldn’t be bothered to fit new customizations in this last patch?


Here’s hoping we get some actually awesome customization soon. An additional theme among such customization would be especially great.


I suspect we wont see anything customization wise till 9.2.5 (duh) and while I imagine that will probably be the rest of the AR’s it wouldn’t hurt Blizzard to at least give Blood Elves Dark Ranger options or perhaps some of the easier things that have been requested throughout this thread.

Like eye colors can’t be super hard. As an example.


While I wouldn’t say no to more eye colours, if they absolutely had to only add one or two things, I would much rather tattoos/war paint and/or scars over a few additional eye colours.

I realize the two probably wouldn’t be in competition with each other anyway, but figured I’d throw it out there.


I think he meant it from the standpoint of if they were only going with bare minimum work, as in, if they’re not gonna commit to something like warpaint or scars. Eyes should in theory be easy, since they can just hit change hue on the eye texture.


That’s what I figured, but nevertheless I thought it was worth throwing it out there.


Void elf skin tones would go a long way towards this. Look how much this character I’m posting on looks like a player version of Sylvanas. Just add the void elf skin tones to blood elves. They already shared the blood elf skin tones, it’s only fair to share the void elf ones too.

(Somand alt)


Honestly I think the warpaint/tattoo idea would have the most impact for Blood Elf fans in general. Farstiders have long been a request and if they work in some of the Rommath tattoos?

Both would widen the options for players immensely overall and not require a great deal of effort.

Dark Rangers would give us a sub race and should be easy enough since they don’t have more than underwear to work out.

Entirely valid.

Can confirm I meant it like this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hell at this point I don’t see why not.


A neat way to do it would be to have the Farstrider stuff as warpaint and the Rommath and TBC boxart stuff as tattoos. That way you could use both if you want, like how Orcs can.

For the single NPC skin, all that’s needed is underwear for the female model. They could also add in the DK skins and the void elf skins, and then that’s instantly a lot of variety for Dark Ranger themes. And for eyes, there’s already two NPC only options that just need the switch flipped on: red and black.


I’ll take San’layn and Dark Ranger customizations for Blood Elves if Blizzard isn’t going to give them to us as separate Allied Races for the Horde, also some new hair colors like burgundy and pink and eye colors like red and pink. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Then of course stuff like tattoos, warpaints, scars, burn marks, etc. for others since they want those customizations and I don’t personally but I still support them wanting it. :yum: :yum: :yum:


I mean its a bit frustrating because BEs didn’t get impactful additions to their main theme nor any additional visually distinct theme to compensate for the loss of visual uniqueness.

People who want scars and basic stuff that all races should have are valid, but I half think that will be all we get, ie: we’ll get nothing to show for losing visual uniqueness and the bare minimum standard will be all we get while people continue to hyper focus on the void options for the AR that despite not getting additions to their main theme still maintain their own visual uniqueness which is more than what BE fans can say about BEs.

I kind of hope the narrative for wanting basic additions moves from “Blood Elves should have scars” to all races need scars, and then like BE conversation can be actual like unique impactful additions as opposed to bare minimum stuff Blizzard can’t seem to do.


Thankfully, I seem to see it more and more often that people are wanting all races to have basic things like scars, and are bringing Blizzard to task over not adding them for all races.

Hopefully that trend continues, and Blizzard ends up fulfilling that across the board so that future requests can be focused on more specific additions on a per-race basis, as you were saying.