Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Well that answers that! lol

Blood Elves could do well with those, though I really like your henna idea.

I think your average helf pro is more or less content at this point. Some want some other minor things and none of them would refuse more of course.

I’m very happy that Nico and Drede are supporting Blood Elf threads and trying to be helpful. I very much appreciate it from them.

I would also hope to see more pros be supportive of Blood Elf requests if only to say they very much support Blood Elves being able to ask.

By no means do I want folk to feel compelled to post there but any ideas and the occasional bump is always appreciated!

I think it’ll be quiet in my thread for awhile though until more customizations come up again. I intend to continue to keep up the thread to ensure that Blizzard doesn’t forget the voidier request for them later down the line.

Perhaps after some other races get a run, given the times. :stuck_out_tongue:

That glow could have been better… I hope they continue to refine it.

A nice chart.


Just a couple days left to post not planning to renew my sub until BEs get an actual customization pass that doesn’t see them also having to continue to share adjacency to VEs who have already had 2.

But I’ll keep supporting :hugs:


Especially because Dark Rangers have red eyes and they are Thalassian Elves, albeit undead ones.

This. The Sunwell isn’t an excuse to deny red eyes or really any eye color.


Hehehe VERY good diagram, well done!!!

It is good material to show the whole “threshold” concept the lore implies exists regarding the mutagenic effects these cosmical energies have over the living races of WoW´s universe (lul, that sounded nerdy AF). As you correctly put it, there´s no evidence about “softcore” Light corruption caused by the Sunwell and the only cases related to actual corruption caused by that cosmical energy involve a ritual, something that basically involve the participation and almost the validation of the individuals by the Light itself (botyh this and void seem to involve some measure of cognitive active participation from the cosmical energies involved. No Shadow Priest becomes a “void” elf/human/draenei/dwarf/etc, no matter how many years they practice their art. No Paladin becomes “lightforged” no matter how many years he/she spends using the source. Heck, the Light answer the call of individuals already corrupted by other cosmical energies at random, that is NOT the behaviour of a passive source of corruption; if anything it is the opposite, the canon lore supports an approach involving ACTIVE participation from Light/Void for lasting corruption to manifest (remember Sir Zeliek the UNDEAD -as in, full of zombification juice- user of Holy light? I do remember him).

Tl;dr: while arcane and fel passively corrupt living beings that dwell near sources of those energies, light and void basically have to actively participate AND involve themselves cognitively wise in the corruption process (to put it in perspective, elves get corrupted by Fel… but Light has to corrupt the elves. Which means that in the first case, the elves are the ones at fault for “getting corrupted” and in the second case, the cosmical entity IS the one at fault of corrupting the living beings… perfectly matches the notion of having to “compromise” with representing members of these magical sources that cross to the material plane (no Naaru giving the blessing? No Lightforging, sorry. No Old God / Dark Naaru? No voidification either, sorry).


Thanks so much! Glad you like it! I made it a few months ago ^^ It highlights my points well I feel, and I’m glad you think so too. But yes, exactly! There’s that.

Yep, I do for sure >:D


You think that if “Light corrupted”, he would had gotten zombified? I doubt so, he would have just died AND afterwards become your average DK that uses shadow and necromancy stuff.

And before people brings LF Draenei DKs to the table… those died BEFORE getting raised. Ergo, when they died, the light abandoned their dead bodies… ergo it is kinda crappy because I´m afraid the Light kinda abandoned them in their peril times too.

This is the second reason I despise so much that Light customizations suggestion… as someone who read “Blood of the Highborne” like a fangirl, it broke my heart to read about the Light literally refusing to work in favor of the elves in their darkest time. Sorry not sorry, the Light forsook them and left them vulnerable to confront their miserable ends by themselves. Is not about the Belves not being “good enough” for the Light, is about the Light being the undeserving party in this case. Mu´ru did nothing but poorly apologize from my PoV, and in my headcanon that´s the reason it sustained the abuse (maybe some weird sense of guilt).


SAY THE TRUTH, YES! Everyone preaches that the light is some force of pure good or whatever, but it’s not. It’s another selfish petty power that wants control just like the void. It’s why the light is a tool, no more, no less. Everyone who thinks it’s any more is delusional.

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Or maybe they don´t torture themselves the way I do regarding the lore of this game… if only to “honor” the pact between the Light and the LF Draenei, the DK combo should had never been made possible for that race and in exchange something else should had been provided (idk… shamanism or druidism). Velves can justify it cause DK´s seem to use some void / shadow magical influence on their kit, LF Draenei are basically one of those WTF incoherent combos running around regarding DKs.


Oh it’s because the light is based on willpower, not faith:

Well, willpower and ‘faith’, but it’s all about believing you can do it.


That explanation kinda goes out of the window when we take into account the Belf novella (believe me, both Liadrin and Galell were VERY faithful and had lots of willpower while trying to save their people from the zombie invasion. Regardless, their attempts were in vain).

If anything, the “loss of faith” was caused precisely thanks to the failure of the magical source to work when they needed it. Liadrin literally says so in the novella when Kael´thas (the naive) saw her postulation as one of the volunteers for the sunwell mission (he remarked: good we can use another healer!!) and she answered with an epithet that raised Lor´themar´s eyebrows AND an exclamation about “what use had an unreliable source?”.

Why am I NOT surprised at watching Blizz obliterate their own canon lore? :rofl: :joy:

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I personally like the ‘willpower’ explanation more myself, I never liked ‘faith-based’ stuff and could kinda swallow ‘holy light’ a bit more if I could say my paladin has the willpower to protect her family & friends, and do good, as opposed to working for some higher being. I just… hate the higher being stuff altogether. The wild gods are different, and loa, since there’s a choice there, and it’s polytheistic. But the light feels monotheistic and I just…don’t like it ><


For me the turnoff aspect is more related to the actual vulnerability inherent in dealings with the Light… in some ways, it is both fickle and picky. Not reliable indeed but not because of the individual per se but because of the very nature of the cosmical source (to put it in perspective the Light only helps you until it decides it doesn´t want to help you anymore… and that´s it. Likewise, the void WILL claim your mind and by proxy, your body and essence, inevitably at some point in thye future, as a payment for the “gifts” received.

This I can´t relate with… seems like a badly disguised deal with the devil. Like a very famous character from a very famous LATAM soap opera used to say “el diablo es puerco!”.



Now I need a Death Knight LFD… cause reasons that this paragraph put in my head…

And why Mechagnomes and Gnomes should be able to study it and find ways to use it that are not the same as humans and dwarves.

(Also the undead…)

This. So much this.

Everything we see suggests its a willingness to use the Light combined with the Willpower to make use of it.

Faith is just a fancy word the religious groups associated with paladins use.

(EDIT: Also how does everyone like my new look? lol)


Yeah that’s fair. I think a mixture of explanations could work, though admittedly I don’t take novellas or readings outside of Q&As from the devs seriously. I dislike that there’s content outside of the game like that which is so integral and important for this sort of thing :frowning:

It makes things frustrating because I play my characters in the way that I do (paladin gaining light through strictly willpower, as explained by the devs, as opposed to some higher power) but then things like that happen in those books, and… ugh.

The light in general is just ridiculous. I wish all magic was baseline: “It’s a primordial power, you can train into it or have to have the will to use it.”

Looks great! Very fancy ^^

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Let´s go further: so many times myself and other SF posters speculated about the “enemy of life making a pact with the light” as per Illgynoth´s whispers (or were those Ogmot´s?), and proposed any Azerothian character available… have any of you considered Zooval himself?

I mean it isVERY curious how, when it was his plan to use Frostmourne to censored word Azeroth, the light suddenly didn´t work for any priest or paladin confronting him directly. Regardless of race, it suddenly stopped working. And then we have the whole Calia fiasco with a “Light raised undead” and so on… hmmmm :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Would love to comment, but your profile appears hidden for me.

I think you are lucky because the current dev team seems to be going that direction. As per WotLK times to consider the Light anything but 100% benevolent was madness, nowadays? Lul, the madness IS to consider it 1005 benevolent.


While I think thats probably bit out there…

It is curious. >.>

Sorry about that I got paranoid and thought someone was going to track me. Should be open now.

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That’s called stalking and that’s really creepy so if anyone is doing that well it explains itself actually.

Omg my man this is serious. If you have a stalker, block that profile ASAP.

And yes, VERY curious tinfoil hat theory indeed that one I concocted back there.

Also, could you please post the starcursed images you posted wednesday (or was it thursday?) in Linxy´s thread?

Btw, VERY cute tmog indeed!!!

We all know worse has happened unfortunately and that behavior from certain peoples always continues :confused:

I just focus on trying to see the positive in the people who don’t do all that and never engage with the ones who do

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I have no proof of the truth of the matter. Could easily have just been that that person and I went into the same topics due to a similar interest.

It is no matter in this case. It ended as quickly as it began and was probably nothing.

I did. And it stopped. All is good. (It wasn’t that serious just annoying for a few days.)

The eyes or the ones with the red and green skin colorations?

I’m hesitant to post them here in the Blood Elf thread as they’re not blood elf things.