Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Yes, totally agree that the current ones are so bulky.

Yeah they could make it a toggle. Because I’ve seen people style them either way.


its pretty straight forward if you’re starting at 1 but if you’re 40 or so and not been on awhile, its so confusing

do you like the choker fallyn linked?

I just want to heal in low level dungeons for a bit I do believe

too flashy sort of something a human would wear

/search google for “blood elf necklace”

You might see the type I much rather be seeing a selection of.

always fun. i just got done healing tbc classic mana tombs on my 70 holy pally. our warrior tank was also 70, had gear from gruul’s lair including the shield and thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker from mc. lol i coulda healed that in my sleep

I love the armbands there as well!

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I mean, hers was a completetely bad andf suspicious move. Literally her fist post on the thread with that toon -that I ofc didn´t had on ignore- was to chastise Soul in defense of the troll that posted “lul, all these suggestion would be great for Void elves!!”.

When I saw it the first thing that crossed my mind was “this is a collaborative effort. She came with her buddy the troll fishing for post to flagg”… cause the bait posted by that DK was VERY obvious.

Those -well, not the video but the images and the whole pinterest page- are a collection of comissions for toons related to the Lavellan clan of Dragon age indeed, ergo yesa you are correct: Dalish elves.

Frankly, most of the Helfers don´t bother to come here and yes, high ranking members like Drede and Nico certainly have do so with an actual collaborative mentality, making valuable suggestions even.

It´s only some particularly toxic members the ones that come from time to time to cause mischief, ergo my comment over “they being bored or what?”.

And btw, if you need help in your thread, just ask!! Granted I´m a little bit short on ideas (my hits were the dreadlocks to represent tentacle hair and the Old God eyes stuff that Lance and Somand developed beautifully… I don´t know what else I could suggest tbqh).

Make that four of us.

We all wonder about that considering it is you know… Blizz´s own cinematic.

This. So much this.

As a matter of fact, if you want one genuinely friendly theme to favor the Helfers, you pick the Sunwell AND the Light portion of it. How so? Easy:

There are TWO known facts regarding the Sunwell as per the current canon lore:

  1. Thalassian speaking elves won´t be able to escape it´s influence, regardless of the place they live (it doesn´t matter if they live in Quel´Danas or if they live in Gadgetzan; both get the same amount of irradiation… meaning distance is NOT a factor to get the bonus). This was vaguely alluded first in WC3:TFT and cimented in “In the Shadow of the Sun” and “Blood of the Highborne” (this second source is basically the current in-game Heritage Armor scenario for the Belves). Thanks to this, we know both Belves and Helves are 24/7 under the influence of the magical fount. We don´t know how this fact computes with the Velves, but taking into account Alleria and Turalyon can´t touch each other, we can assume the Velves somehow “lost” their connection to the Sunwell when they were pumped full of Void juice.

  2. The Sunwell is a MIX (as in: a combination of several sustances) of both arcane and light energies. Nowhere in canon lore it has been said that the Light is more relevant, more influential, “stronger”, etc. The only thing the devs actually said was that A) the Light overrode the FEL corrupting the Elves´ bodies and B) that golden eyes are a result in more or less degree to factors like DEVOTION; explaining in a way why the Belves and the Helves can keep other colored eyes different to golden.

If the two premises I posted above are true (and they are), this means that players wanting to RP a “Holy High elf” VERY devoted while using an Velf… would be absolutely entitled to ask for golden eyes and any other “Light based” customization given to the Belves (again: precisely because the Sunwell is NOT “Lightforging” the Belves proper, and more importantly: both groups keep the same religious practices (heck, the Helf crowd probably exercises a closer devotion to the Human / Draenei one than the Belves themselves).

Themes related to Undeath and Blood Magic are NOT “Alliance friendly”, precisely because they lack a proper canon lore source to explain these on their side of the fence. Simply put it, apart from the Death Knights (that are by lore standards neutral), they don´t have a race nor a character nor a faction that could bring these themes to their side, less so to their thalassian elves. The Horde on the other hand owns literal zombies, owns literal THALASSIAN ELF zombies, owns trolls and Orcs that have been portrayed using Blood magics not once but several times. So for people pretending to work “in our favor” but NOT genuinely invested on it (or that have never munched in the issue like I did in march), these themes are NOT something they would want to support, cause if they do so they won´t be able to ask for those afterwards. Not with actual valid arguments at least.

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I´m gonna be honest: I rather don´t get these abominations back. Or at least NOT before we get other stuff like the eye colors, the scars, etc.

And I can absolutely see how and why they got shelved. One: they are too “subtle” and unless you make them gaudy enough, they are invisible in any transmog that isn´t a slutmog; and Two: the lawsuit. As harsh as this sounds, this style of body jewerly does sexualize the toons, maybe more than a little than the PG-13 rating allows. Look at the very images you posted from irl people using them body chains: none of them use it with a sweater that covers their body, they use it with “sexy” clothes designed to let parts of the body exposed.

Averyx basically corroborated it herself in twitter: players saw the body chains and proceed to make any lingerie tmog they could, hours later the stuff was pulledf down… imagine why?

Maybe WoW players aren´t “prepared” for this kind of options. Their implementation together with other customization options that allow the opposite RP experience (the scars for example) maybe makes them not terrible as a message… but by themselves, the message is borderline creepy: look players, an excuse so you people can /ogle the butt of your toons!!! /facepalm

Idk I don’t want the WoW players who could benefit from getting out more to hold us back on options if that is the case.

But I agree with the sentiment that I don’t want BE options conflated with more jewelry options as the response to losing visual uniqueness etc as it’ll just lead to people trying to claim we have so much despite losing visual uniqueness

I’d like to have both and don’t see why we couldn’t. The chains and red eyes already exist. They could just work on the other things. Then release everything.

Like I said, they can create more mogs to go with it. Or we can hide some stuff to show it. They can also create a toggle to have it go over or under gear.

If Blizz is gonna stick to their promise of letting us have freedom over our characters, we should have that choice of how we want them to look.

For me, my Warrior probably won’t wear it. But my Priest definitely will. In an RPG, that should be ok. It’s my own autonomy.


Just implement other type of stuff first. I am one player that honest to God couldn´t care less for jewerly on this toon, for me jewerly is too restrictive to bother with.

The pass for the Belves amounted for my two Belf toons to: put a darker black on Ariël´s hair and the sasuke haircut on the DH. There, nothing else.

Ergo my point about wanting other stuff first… not related to the choices for other players, more related to Blizz own track record related to their deliveries.

I can perfectly see them abstaining from implementing the red eyes while they point to the body chains and say “SEE!!! We HeArD you, so moar jewerly in two colors, don´t ask for moar stuff”.

Thanks no thanks, we already got a “jewerly pass”… give me my scars and my tattoos first and after implement as many body chains as you want, Blizzard. Or implement them simultaneously, sure… but don´t dare to give us more of this underwhelming stuff WITHOUT giving us other stuff we ask for, period.

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I understand the trepidation but my post isn’t about what they will do, but what I want. And I want tattoos, scars, better looking jewelry, better looking mogs and more eye and hair options. More options entirely for men.

That wasn’t a pass at all. It was a first implementation and it was poor.


My gal, considering how they implemented the jewerly for the NB -and mind you, in them it WAS an actual theme supported by NPC´s aesthetics- I think we have to be aware they will try to scapegoat in the quality department if they can. the Velf pass was basically this: they hiding behind the Helfer campaign and absolutely refusing to implement actually unique stuff for the Velf playerbase.

One has to be VERY careful in how one ask for stuff with this company… I´mnot saying you can´t ask for this, go ahead… in just sharing my own sentiment about why they probably removed the assets.

If that’s what Blizzard intends, they’ll do it with or without my posts. And if they read my posts and think I only want jewelry then that’s on them.

But I’m not gonna change or stop asking for stuff I really want because you don’t like it.

I repeat:

You said: I wonder why this was removed. I just provided a theory and my own take regarding the stuff, no more and no less. I never said you couldn´t ask for that last I checked. I just said I personally -as in, the person posting behind the keyboard- rather not get that back. Nothing else.

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You are also saying that by me posting that they’ll take that to mean we want more jewelry and do just that. Which could happen, but would likely have happened anyway. For all the requests about eyes, scars and tattoos, they could still ignore all of that.

I posted to say I like the chains better than the gaudy jewelry. None of us know really why they were removed. It was a rhetorical post.

Given how poorly Blood Elves have done in their own core race customization pass that saw them lose all sense of visual uniqueness, I’m really just focused on two main things a second visually distinct set of options / theme, and BE exclusive Farstrider tattoos to get the ball rolling on tattoos of which I also want Rommaths for my warlock.

Then there’s things that benefit all races like not locking accessories to either guys or girls like we see on BEs with just the jewelry but again on NEs that have jewelry and tattoos locked. As well as expanding diversity options (which on principle would apply to all the races with human skin tones), Blood Elves have 14 skin tones, 10 of which are shades of white, where is the undertone variation to the brown and black skin tones?