Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Of late Drede has been doing very well representing many people’s requests I think.

Especially with how some have been reacting of late negatively to blood elf requests and concerns.


He just despite the fact VEs would be on a hypothetical third pass always has them at the top and BEs somewhere near the bottom.


Valid point, that does tend to bug me, not gonna lie given my own personal favorites races go Blood Elves < Nightborne < Vulpera, etc.


Personal favorites aside if BEs actually got attention to offset the loss of visual uniqueness they wouldn’t be my main priority in who I championed despite my love for them, I just wouldn’t see it as fair, but not everyone’s like that clearly, but I would like you said cycle to another favorite of mine that got a bad hand, but I’d still have self awareness to know BEs priority on my list has shifted out of respect to other people


Believe it or not, that’s why I said other day I have stopped supporting anything more for Void Elves until other races get caught up customization wise and that’s despite the fact I want my own Void Elf Warlock to have pink hair and glowy skin.


Big same, I love them and I’ve refrained from talking about them despite my want of specific stuff for them.

And on BEs I hope Blizzard does Blood Elves justice soon because it’s a real shame in all honesty


That doesn’t mean he’s claiming they’d be first. I doubt he spent longer than a few minutes choosing the order of his list.

Though you’d have to ask him.

Any lists I made would likely have void elves and blood elves at the top due to my own biases. They’re just the first ones that come to mind. (probably followed by Nightborne and Mechagnomes)

I doubt he considered who needed it more.

(also I think he separated out ARs and Core races in his last.)

I do get your viewpoint of listing the races that haven’t gotten good options first, I just doubt that was something Drede was thinking of.


Which even there I question the self awareness of putting VEs first.

I think that does matter but if others don’t then maybe it’s just me questioning things from someone who has advocated to see the loss of visual uniqueness on BEs combined with trying to keep Farstrider tattoos from BEs, as I see BEs so far down his list.


Well then lets stop talking about them but before that I want to add like you said other day that I hope like you said that Void Elves eventually get our jewelry options shared to them and maybe like a hairstyle or two and that’s like all because they have taken way too much time from others during times that it was supposed to be other races.


For BEs second visual theme I still think

This is all the citation needed to add the desired options for Dark Ranger / Undead citing specific use of Sin’dorei are as much their kin, and the ease of adding that to BEs.

But I am open to other peoples suggestions for a second visual theme as well I find that more important than my personal favorite route that also seems the easiest.


I personally want San’layn/Dark Ranger combined with extra options like red eyes, pink hair, burgundy hair, etc. I should really write up my own post of everything I want for Blood Elves when I have the free time like the free time.


The following approach would solve a lot of issues:

  1. Start by making Blood Elves and Void Elves have an identical baseline set of customization options. These options would reflect “generic” elves (the original high elves?) inherent for each race.
  2. For non-baseline options, have it lean more into the race fantasy that makes each faction’s elves unique.
    • Generic elven jewelry, hair, colors, etc are not unique, and should be baseline.
    • Void elves should have options to lean heavily into their void theme, which are unavailable to Blood elves.
    • Blood elves should have options to lean heavily into themes related to the Sunwell, which are unavailable to Void Elves.
    • Fel-themed options, lore-wise, are technically available to both races and would be covered under the “baseline” options for these elves.

On that note, all elves in the WoW universe (Night Elves, Nightborne, etc) are basically “just elves” which are uniquely transformed by whatever power source they draw from.

But all elves are really just trolls at heart, so…

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Pass, Void Elves have already got more than enough of the Blood Elf customizations and the only things they really have worth us getting would be like the eye colors we don’t already have shared, the burgundy, purple and blue hair colors and like the melancholy hairstyle.

Void Elves can have our super terrible jewelry though.


We could always ask Drede if, out of respect for our feelings on the matter, if he could put Void Elves lower on his mock up and blood elves higher?

I mean he might not, but that doesn’t seem like a terrible thing to kindly ask.

I agree. It’s the easiest and one of the most requested. There are few downsides.

I kinda like the Phoenix stuff myself.

Not sure that would be near enough for what void elves effectively have though.

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There’s literally a whole segment for that.

Probably a bigger fan then you ever where or ever will be :wink:

My stance never changed. I just don’t agree with the pure headcannon that Alleria’s tattoos have any lore/cultural significance to Blood Elves or that Void Elves would not/should not get them.

I just like to base my stuff off actual feedback/precedence. Like the Runic Tattoos and their connection to the Indo-Arabic inspirations of Blood Elves buildings/culture.

And I think that Blood Elves should get to represent EVERY magic they use, not just a few select ones. So a robust system for Runes makes far more sense then a crappy bag of mixed options.

Pluss I HAVE been pushing Warpaint/Facepaint for Blood Elves under makeup as Dark Ranger Face marks.

Which are almost exactly the same as the “Farstrider” concept except they are unique enough from Alleria to stand out and the fit the Current Blood Elf/Dark Ranger/San’layn/Felbleed themes FAR better AND you can use them with Runes because they are a different segment.

And lets all be honest here, even if Blood Elves got them, there is NO stretch of the imagination that Void Elves would not get something that is based off of Alleria.

This is more about making sure Blood Elves stand out and that Actual Blood Elf stuff gets highlighted. That’s why they get the bigger list and are at the top of the core races.

lol If I was as dark and calculating as these people think I am, I would be scary.


The list are like that because it was my old Blood Elf and Void Elf/High Elf suggestion compellation.

Blood Elves used to be on top because they have a larger list.

I added Core Race compellations under Blood Elves and Allied Race compellations under Void Elves.

Blizzard said they where doing allied races first, so I arraigned Allied Races first then Core Races.

It USED to be Bigger Request where on top, but as I added request it got out of whack and there’s no point in counting each one and arranging them when the number can change with more suggestions/implementations so the order is static now.

Honestly, I am freaking flattered that the very concept of me ordering a list and not including options is so horrifical destructive to their ideas and detrimental to their arguments that I require this much scorn.

It means I’m probably on the right track :wink:


I’m fine with letting people be I’ll just comment on how it comes across

Yeah… honestly list order shouldn’t matter folks. Come on now.


How could you say that Fall, I demand me first. :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

Also before anyone thinks I’m serious, I’m really not. Haha. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I disagree, at least when it’s come from someone who’s fought for BEs to lose visual uniqueness and takes issue with BEs Farstrider tattoos.

And I’d question in terms of ARs the placement as well but that’s neither here nor there.



It doesn’t seem a big deal to me or worth ripping each other apart over. There’s been enough bad blood going around to be nitpicky over every little thing in my personal opinion. I respectfully disagree as well is all!

I hope to see blood elves get something eventually. To be completely honest, I couldn’t care less about farstrider tattoos, as they hold 0 interest to me. Tattoos in general are interesting, but those specifically? Eh. Major deviating themes are what I’m hoping to see either phoenix, undead, or felbloods. Which I would take somewhat of an issue if any of those were demanded to be added to void elves as well. (which apparently makes me a terrible person but whatever).