Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I think list order is important the same way one might discreetly leave Farstrider tattoos off lists like was done in the past might be important.

But we can disagree here.

I hate to say it because I try not to be bias but I agree with you, we should totally get San’layn/Dark Ranger customization options for Blood Elves at the very least to compensate for us losing our normal customizations to Void Elves but like Fall said I don’t really care for tattoos or scars personally so I won’t say I’m for or against those being exclusive to us.


Either way, it’s frustrating that void elf players seem to try and take all of the ideas presented here and elsewhere, and I hope Blizzard doesn’t accept that behavior if they’re planning on keeping the faction barrier intact. It’s apparently ‘gatekeeping’ to not be totally happy about this, but try asking for non-undead Horde humans and see how well that goes over with certain folks. Or void elf options (which I’m not personally for, but it would be very hypocritical of them to demand it exclusive while asking for all of our stuff including undead.)


You don’t even post on or main a Blood Elf. :nail_care:t5:

You keep talking about Alleria tattoos, if you were actually a fan of Blood Elves you would know that farstrider tattoos were seen in Warcraft 2 and there’s no lore saying they were invented by or unique to Suelaria.


Honestly, I’m just going to put “In no particular order” at the top so people stop throwing a hissy.

I’m also not going to re-order based on size because that changes too often.

And why would Blizzard implement suggestions based on order? Like… what?

What’s your opinion on Dark Ranger Makeup/Facepaint?

Those people bug me too.

Now there is no call for that.

While I’m in the camp that both should have Farstrider (but different per group) tattoos, I do very much think Alleria’s tattoos are Farstrider ones. There is more than enough evidence to support it.

There are no tattoos for blood elves. They all have the same precedence.

I do agree with this in full. Blood Elves have a lot of themes and options that could be added to them.

Limiting them makes little sense.

It doesn’t have to be one over the others.

I agree. I don’t think for a second blizzard wouldn’t do the same for Void elves.

One reason I want to push more of the differences in hopes we get to have unique-ish options.

I thought as much. It’s more or less how I’d have done it.

Most people aren’t thinking too hard on orders like that.

They’re just frustrated and annoyed. I kinda get where they’re coming from, though I’m not so hardline.

And I’ve been twice “scorned” (I use that very loosely) cause I wanted more void options rather than wanting high elf ones. (for those pros watching I still supported you asking. This isn’t me saying I’m an anti.) and I wanted to see blood elves get something meaningful for getting such poor options in their first pass.

I know tempers flare and it can be hard sometimes but compassion is the better road, than adding ones own frustration and anger, I think anyways.

I’m hardly the best person to push such though.

I agree.

I think blizzard will probably keep to a set standard going forward. Or at least i hope.

The talk of void Elf Phoenix themes yesterday wasn’t the first time I’d seen it, but normally before yesterday it wasn’t expected to be part of customizations.

Given how blood elves see the Phoenix and void elves reject blood elves… I’m not sure it would make any sense.

I think blizzard won’t see it as valid overall because void elves aren’t supposed to be a copy in lore. They do have their own viewpoint and concept.


its the same when they used to deny blood elves cant have blue eyes again. even the though the devs said it will return

they also used to argue against golden eyes

‘alleria tattoos’

the green blood elf farstrider tattoos here are identical to allerias except there is 2, 1 on each side

i dont really care about the order tbh or their list. they are biased toward void elves and replacing their racial identity with blood elves. excluding the farstrider fantasy from blood elves is a complete joke tho and the intentions are transparent

why play void elves if you want to be a blood elf so bad?

well they might have a lvl 10 horde for funsies

i love void elves and blood elves. i want more void stuff for them. heres my umbral ranger mog


I care about the order because I think it adds to the intentions.

But I’m also someone who would order things in a way that felt fair despite what I personally cared about.

And knowing what I know of things like intentionally leaving Farstrider tattoos out etc, is why I notice BEs so far down the list and even among the AR separation of the list it’s an obvious transparent intention to me.

But it’s neither here nor there I was just answering Zans original question

While adding my updated observation.

Also yeah idk how there is any denying of Farstrider tattoos as it’s a core of BE culture.

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And people wonder why we’re frustrated but any time we mention we want something distinct for blood elves, which they are already distinct from given the void, they try and poach ideas. It’s getting old.


That’s why I took a firm stance on not wanting any infringement of any kind after the skin tones were added and I saw the situation.

So I’m more or less unsurprised I guess as it’s just the same people being the same people.

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I’m toying with wow model viewer and exporting models to blender.

It looks like the eye geometry is missing, but I might be using the wrong model.

Updating the texture file for a flame ombre took a few minutes because I was trying to figure out how to implement it.

I settled on laying gradients down on layers, duplicating the texture layer and applying it to each gradient layer, then using a hue adjustment layer.


The flame ombre idea sounds very exciting for sure, I think it’d be an awesome addition to blood elves especially leaning on that phoenix theme.


I do think some of them genuinely just believe in sharing most things and do not mean ill intent. (Not saying folk have to agree with that though.)

But I often wonder if its meant to troll in situations like this.

I was chatting with another person on discord about it last night actually, and I think they were genuine in their points that they brought up to me about it, but one of the posters in the other thread last night I don’t think was being entirely genuine about it and was just trying to get a rise out of someone.

Personally though I don’t see that stuff as likely for Void Elves. (Though I might add a bit about the Dark Phoenix to my mounts section in my thread… just to point out we have a flying option if folk want to have something voidy and elfy at the same time. lol) It fits way better for Blood Elves as its been their symbol and their kings mount and ally for generations.

Void Elves meanwhile seem to be rejecting the phoenix to me…

Plus, again personally, I prefer some distinction between races… I’m not a copy paste guy for the most part.

ANYONE who is poaching just to take something from Blood Elves (or any other race) though? I cannot agree with that.

I think thats both understandable and valid.

I may not entirely agree with it, but I can’t fault you for it by any means.

I cannot wait to see what you bring to the table. Its nice to see you here again by the way.


This I can understand and agree with. Though in the same vein, I do hope people like that express it genuinely and understand why folks get frustrated. I’m not on the extreme end of ‘we should not share at all’ as many people know, even with vampyr. But people have been super determined to push me that way with how utterly toxic they act due to:

This, basically. I hope people do understand that just trying to take all of our ideas and then demand it for void elves is frustrating. Even if I personally really am not too ‘strictly on that side’ given I hate the faction barrier.

My MAJOR issue is, though, when they take the ideas presented and demand it exclusively for void elves. Which, hands down, is straight up toxic. As they’ve proven many times over by now, and no, it’s not just a matter of different opinion at this point. It is ‘to take something the horde wants and makes sense on the horde’ (This isn’t directed to you, I’m just expressing my frustration toward the group of people currently hosting the toxicity. )


I should be doing homework but I think part of why I’m struggling to find the energy to engage in homework is that I’ve been all work and no play since the semester recharged and my tank is empty.


A lot of my mannerisms and aesthetic are based off the WC3 Blood Mage lol

The TBC box art and Magister Rommath shows they are in fact a thing for Blood Elves, just unavailable for players. More so then leaves where for Night Elves.

Also they use Runes everywhere in official art.

People have been asking for them since TBC.

Which is why I’m pushed for a fully implemented Blood Elf Rune concept that lets EVERY magical theme be used instead of a split system no one enjoys.

Also, some people are trying to push the Runes for Void Elves as well, meaning Blood Elves would lose potential themes/colors.

They could defiantly handle it better.

I should have to defend myself from everyone’s made-up ideas of my perceived malice.

History time!

There is actually no story/lore/example of “Farstrider Tattoos”. It’s a Fanon/Misnomer.

This all started out when people started when people started asking for High Elves after Void Elves where announced (After they where datamined to be Blood Elves) and people where trying to find a way to differentiate High Elves from Blood Elves.

The idea came up for Alleria/WC2 markings because-

  • It was something Blood Elves did not have and where not asking for.
  • It made no sense for Blood Elves.
  • It was different from the Runes Blood Elves where asking for.
  • It was removed from High/Blood Elves when they split the Celtic/Wood Elf concept from them and made Night Elves out of the Wood Elf idea. (Also where Night Elves got their face tattoos.)
  • Most of the Celtic Thems went to Wildhammer (And Dark Iron) Dwarves, who the Alliance High Elves are buds with. (Fun face, you can almost get the WC2 Ranger Marks on Female Dark Iron Dwarves lol)
  • It only existed on Alleria so it was Fair game for both Alliance High Elves and Void Elves. (High Elf getting normal and Void Elves getting Glowing)

Then a curtain someone who shall not be named, who we all know as the “Anti” who is pushing San’layn/Red Eyes for Void Elves (And Runes), started calling them “Farstrider Tattoos” to pretend the “Pros” where stealing Blood Elf Ideas.and that’s where the term and the “war” came from.

And I think it would be far better for each group to have their own iconic systems.

Runic Tattoos that support ALL magics from TBC Box Art/Rommath.

Void Styled Tattoos from Alleria.

Let’s be clear to everyone. We already GOT the High Elf stuff, we already “won” the “war”.

That is why I am arguing for mostly Void Stuff or ‘Both’ Stuff for Void Elves and Unique Blood Elf Concepts for Blood Elves.

Alleria’s Tattoos are going to come to Void Elves no matter what. All I/We have to do is wait if all I cared about was getting them.

I am trying to make sure both races stay unique and iconic with strong themes and lots of unique options. Alleria’s tattoos ain’t it lol


Now I see it’s a lore story argument on why BEs don’t have Farstriders?

the same poster who is pushing for farstrider tattoos for void elves and saying they are not a blood elf theme, is the same one who said no to golden and blue eyes. not arguing with their points because i dont take them seriously

the truth is if they thought it made sense for the void elves to copy more blood elf themes instead of new void themed stuff they wouldnt be going this hard in these threads


I agree. Compassion and understanding of the other side(s) in this is needed. You just have to accept that not everyone will be happy with it and respectfully tell them that you hear them and accept that they wont agree with you.

and if that fails hit that mute button.

There are too many people here and too many viewpoints for any one group to be a monolith and thats ok.

Another reason I don’t really get the hate you end up receiving.

You are a bit harsh in your words sometimes but thats only after someone has come back at you with hostility to begin with.

Normally you’re just sharing your opinion and state it as such, and hell your opinion is pretty relaxed to some. Folk need to learn to let go.


I think some differentiation is a good thing myself so I don’t fully understand wanting everything copied over. I probably wouldn’t lose any sleep over it if it did occur, but its in no way what I’m going to ask for.

And poaching for the sake of taking from the Horde? Why? Whats the point?

Its hypocritical with most of the ones I’ve seen do it too…

Oh I know exactly who you’re referring to.

Take a break. (Assuming you’ve the time) you can’t live on work alone. :frowning:

None in game though.

And I’d say thats just as much as the Farstrider tattoos have as well. It all comes from WCII units.

N’zoth runes/Old god runes I think make sense for void elves, but not what Rommath has and the box art shows.

I agree with this.

They’re working off of how they perceived and how you acted long ago now.

People change opinions change.

Of late you’ve shown a willingness to include ideas presented to you and I think they should give you the benefit of the doubt.

Still we’ve all been fighting for so long, its important to remember that bad feelings on both sides wont just go away. Sometimes it takes time to establish trust again.

This is why I should have joined the forums sooner.

My entire guild and its associated guilds talked about the tattoos from WCII for years and how they wanted them for blood elves.

I know for a fact its been requested for them. This was back at the end of Cata.

I can imagine though the talk of them would have picked back up with Alleria’s return to the canon.

Bah, Farstrider tattoos are endemic to thalassians. If they’re a high elf thing, blood elves are high elves.

If they’re a blood elf thing, void elves were blood elves.

Thats why I want to see them for both but differentiated. (Though honestly I lean more towards Ariels henna idea now.)

While not my preferred I do think this is how it will go.

Its easier for Blizzard and still differentiates.

then again they might just go even easier and not differentiate at all… but thats one of the reasons I push for differentiation.