Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

The update really did wreck variation in our faces a lot. We lost some more angry or relaxed looking faces.

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<–i went diva on this (lilock’s hunter)
she has 2 of these as hunter pets. looks pretty flashy. have to get them during the iron qon fight in throne of thunder raid. so took 2 trips.

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yes it did

Everyone had that happen sadly and now all the faces look so much alike it’s not funny. :cry: :cry: :cry:


The old Blood elf faces are more attractive-looking than the new ones

fite me


i kept trying to explain why some of us preferred some of the older models and belf females really show why. i think the new models follow an algorithm for faces whereas the older models were modelled after real people

I was thinking more about mythical animals to put on a magical circle array.

Regular animals are ok, I just don´t think Blizzard is neither willing nor capable to pull those kind of tattoo markings in WoW (to put it on perspective, you guys are thinking about Farstrider Hanzo; however Blizzard is implementing art aesthetics worthy of a preschooler ergo dots and lines only).

Hmmmm… I personally disagree, just humanizes the characters even more (maybe use this feature for “Half elves” and implement it on the Velves?

That´s not a tabard, that´s just a customized art feature of the Judgment Paladin tier set.

Now that you posted that image, I think that particular haircut we could ask for… and maybe moles like the one the Belf lady is sporting on her face.

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its a surcoat style of tabard (left), with the judgement design. :innocent:

derived: Surcoat/Tabard

Still NOT a tabard as far as WoW is concerned (how so? Easy: in WoW tabards are expresely used to express affiliation towards an specific group. And the Tier 2 Paladin set does NOT constitute a specific group / faction as far as I´m concerned).

Personally If we are talking about future ways to design tabards in-game, I´m partial towards the Hospitaller designs like this one:

Waaay more practical and less “kitchen apron” tier if you know what I mean.

Also, clothes deffinitely don´t constitute a way to “make unique a race” considering clothes aren´t biologically part from their bodies… even the tint on a tattoo becomes “part of the body”.

ignore my crappy art. just kinda see what i’m seeing in ye olde noggin.

oh. lol

I´m sorry, but I call it as I see it, especially regarding the current in-game tabard models.

They are glorified aprons, not particularly practical ones to boot.

I like the Hospitaller design cause with the extra openings the chance for the cloth to cause a misstep is reduced exponentially. There´s more freedom of movement with that design. The design you propose? yeah… I can see that Paladin falling on her face if she has to suddenly break on a run.

make it slightly shorter, then easier than running in a robe!

Why do you think the in-game model barely reaches the knee? XDXD

easier to animate. :innocent:

Exactly. the tabard design I want is -if you check-, suspiciously similar to this:

And I suppose it was quite the headache to animate for ONE NPC (also, why do you think i said the other day I´d be happy to mug the Regent Lord to get his coat?).

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oh almost like what i was thinking!

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When his model update was leaked I was like “OMG he looks so much hoter!!! and i want that coat style but as a tabard feature, Blizz y do u like to hurt me so!!! :sob: :sob:


I’m not quite sure what you mean by “magical circle array,” would you mind elaborating? Sorry if I’ve missed a post somewhere, I’m just not getting a clear picture of what this would look like.

Yes, but can you blame us? It’s not our fault that Farstrider Hanzo looks so good!

I think it would be possible to do those sorts of markings in WoW if the creature art was more abstract and simplified. It wouldn’t have to be super detailed for the creature to still be recognizable. We already have a vastly simplified version of the phoenix for the Icon of Blood.

Lor’themar’s surcoat is gorgeous, both in its general look and how it has its own physics so that it hangs separately from his legs. I don’t blame you at all for wanting to steal it from him, it looks comfy!

Really, Lor’themar is a good example of what I would like to see in future customization options, because he has a rather large facial scar that serves as a visual reminder of his backstory, and is a male Blood Elf with ear piercings. He’s also pulls off wearing somewhat ornate armor while still looking like he’s a capable fighter, and I really like that. Blood Elves should be capable of looking fancy while still seeming dangerous, and I think having combat scar options, preferably for both facial and body scars, would be helpful towards this goal. These people have witnessed the unthinkable and survived to tell the tale, and made some fairly desperate choices in order to do so. Dressing in fancy armor or putting a lot of effort into personal grooming (see Lor’themar’s hair) doesn’t change that.


It’s been too long since someone posted in this thread already so I’m reposting my want for red eyes and San’layn customizations for Blood Elves, I could add much more to this list based off what other things I want personally for Blood Elves as well as what others want but at the minimum that’s what we need to add some uniqueness back to Blood Elves and Blood Elven customizations. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: