BG's wont stop world PvP - it will make it worse

Whatever the case, I’ve looked at the data available on faction balance. It’s actually fairly even across all realms. Some PvP servers do actually have more Alliance than Horde.

Granted that data I’m sure wasn’t 100% accurate, but I’d imagine factions should be pretty balanced in BGs.

Care to share the data you’re referring to, or a name so I can google it myself? Because I was under the impression that Blizzard broke Census addons awhile ago.

So what.

YOU didn’t ask for 1.12.

The rest of us are fine with it. This persistent delusion you have where you think you represent even a tiny fraction of the people playing is kinda funny, in a sad, depressing kind of way.

Anecdotal evidence is best evidence.

They did. Even before they did the data may not have been accurate.

I googled “classic wow census data” and literally the first result has what I was looking at. Y’all need to work on your Google skills lol.

Anyway here it is:

US and EU data is a perfect 50/50 split between all realms.

Now again, data could be somewhat inaccurate. And it may have shifted since Blizz broke the census taking add-ons. But given the sample size it’s probably pretty close.

It truly is astonishing how many people think they are getting realm specific bgs when we were told otherwise a year ago.

from what i read there will be pvp cr and pve cr having pvp and pve mixed would put pve servers at a huge disadvantage since they wont have any pvp gear going into phase 3

Let’s just use the server listings. There are many more pvp realms than normal realms. Since the server populations are listed as time averages, we don’t have to care when we look. All of the “full” realms are pvp realms.

The pvp realms, as a whole, slant horde biased (how much, we can’t say). The pve realms, as a whole, slant Alliance (how much, we can’t say). Thus giving us, with Classic as one battlegroup, horde has longer battleground queue times. There are just more of them.

Let’s assume that people who are on pvp servers care more about battlegrounds than the people on normal servers. This leads to horde doesn’t just have longer queue times for battleground; they have much longer queues for battlegrounds. You all enjoy that. You can sit at the battlemaster/instance portal and talk about how awesome your racials are…

If the pvp servers are a battlegroup and the normal servers are a battlegroup, then pvp server battleground queue times will be astronomical. Normal server battleground queues will probably be close to the same, mildly shorter for horde (less horde, but probably more pvp interest).

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See, the thing is I was asking for recent data, or at the very least before free server transfers started going out and everything got skewered. The situations changed a great deal since then.

You might be surprised at how much pvp happens on a pve server. There has been a virtually nonstop pvp war on Bloodsail Buccaneers ever since the honor system released.


What happens is people queue for BGs, and then they duel or farm. That’s pretty much my recollection of it. I do think it’ll ease up the wPvP quite a bit.

Well, as I said that’s all we got and that’s probably all we will ever get. But look at the sample sizes. They’re quite large. The chances of that data being wildly inaccurate or having significantly changed over time is pretty low.

Server transfers would have no impact on overall faction balance between all realms. If there’s 10 horde and 10 alliance and 10 horde transfer we still have 10 horde and 10 alliance.

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Players did ask for CRBGs. The only who didn’t want CRBGs are people who win trade for rank.

There’s also the fact that you have to queue in town at the PvP battlemaster. You can’t just go out and join your 500 person horde raid and farm HKs while bringing up a menu.

I think that will deter some people since the travel back and fourth will get too tedious.


no 1.12 sucks

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Can you cite a single instance of this prior to the announcement of 1.12? Not a response to a pro early AV, but an actual thread that asked for the late version of AV.

How odd. I suppose you believe I alone gave the OP of the 1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake thread over a thousand likes, and prevented the Alterac Valley in Classic thread posted by the CM from getting more than FIFTEEN likes on the EU forum and 128 likes on the US one? Apparently all of the posters responding to the blizzard thread on the EU forum, they were all me.

Uhuh. It is me pretending, when there is actual evidence as to which version has more support.

And the generalization made by the OP has what evidence?

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Broken…my dude… are you really gauging the popularity of something off of forums posts likes? You understand that threads of people asking for classic use to get shut down nonstop with 1-2 upvotes. Does that mean it’s a bad idea or no one asked for it?

You have got to stop being so disingenuous and obviously biased with your arguments. It’s makes them illegitimate.

Imagine for a moment how many people would stampede to the transfer option if there weren’t CRBGs.

I haven’t had any problems with PvP since phase 2 hit.

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Nah I dont like being able to queue up for BGs whenever I feel like it. Sorcery it is.