seems on par with your account, most of your toons are 1600-1800 with only your warrior pushing duelist, but not in a while.
oh no, anyway…
seems on par with your account, most of your toons are 1600-1800 with only your warrior pushing duelist, but not in a while.
oh no, anyway…
I don’t think blizz has anyone that
knows what they’re doing anymore?
It’s a sad turn of events for BGs
Really bad players that aren’t good at PvP like that DK have ruined them.
The conversation quickly changed to ironic, don’t you think? I don’t hate sync queuers but I feel the activity is destructive to the game, I try and separate the two ideas. Some real jerks that probably need their accounts actioned but certainly not all of them and probably not most of them are like that.
I only have a couple of days left and sync queuing is playing a big role in my decision not to stay but it’s more that Blizzard allows it to happen more than anything.
It’s not so much the steam roll but how it’s steamrolled.
I will drop a wsg that is going to farm mode.
We are pinned down. They could run the flags and finish it.
But they aren’t doing that. I will take the penalty. Life is too short to be farmed.
I do all my pvp games like that. Whatever the win condition is…it’s done as quick and clean and efficient as possible. I like that returned in kind.
We lost. It happens. Just end this and hope next match up goes better.
I’m surprised you didn’t mention the mass amounts of premades in epic BGs.
1: It’s not weird to be against players sidestepping the rules.
2: The fix is to put grouped vs grouped que’ers and solo’d vs solo’d.
Yeah, even as a resto druid, there are too many slows and hard cc…and I can break out of like 95% of it with just a change of my shape lol and even I am having a hard time. I was trying for 2k or higher this season but had to stop because no matter what I did in arena, it feels like they get on my side and go brain-dead, but suddenly when they go against me they can work together like perfect twinsie-bff-bestie-bros and nuke my hp faster than I could possibly hope to fend off.
But then those same two people will switch again on to my side and suddenly they can’t play and refuse to focus or interrupt, so it seems we also have a problem of people throwing on purpose.
I saw, past tense, a lot of that in unranked BGs. It really is as OP said, its just mostly me getting slapped into a match with like 4 people still there, and always at least one of them is screeching in the chat about not getting heals because they flat out didn’t realise there wasn’t a healer until I got there…so then they rage at me like it’s my fault for joining in on to a lost battleground during the last 37 seconds…
Apparently they expected me to run three flags, outheal and out dps and outlive the entire enemy team, all with four screeching owls sitting on my shoulders doing more typing as opposed to playing.
And more often than not, I run into super obvious premades where they will literally take an entire AV, every point, and then spawn camp us so hard that everybody just left before they could even kill our boss. Less than two minutes.
It’s happened no less than seven times, so I just flat out stopped doing pvp.
You might not know it looking at my characters, but somewhere in there is a hunter.
And that lil hunter had a head in her bag and was running furiously for a solid 6 hours hoping that nobody found them in the wilds.
That same little hunter got Grand Marshal, Gladiator, Explorer, Loremaster…all while on a pvp server.
What is happening now, is not pvp. It’s just…well, mean words for people who don’t care about challenge but will instead be lame and trample on people trying to rank up or even just play the game at all.
*just to test the theory, i went on my rogue. Wintergrasp. Immediately 0 healers on my alliance side, 4 healers on the horde side and at least half premade…
Sounds like a skill issue
so good players on top gotcha
not the game issue thats a player issue and it dealt with by having the 30 minute timer for leaving
honestly i think this is the most balanced pvp we have had in a while
skill issues
Deaths advance and other abilties that ignore slows say hi. also yea hard CC is how you kill things maybe try using it and watch your numbers skyrocket
i mean didnt they annouce they are releasing new maps soon for it?
idk what bug you talking about never had that issue
So because some people play meta and your bad they are OP and bad gotcha. which btw the top 3 classes for bg pvp are DH boomkins and subrouges. hunter isnt even top 5 so yea with marksmen being 6th place.
So you would be fine if this was implemented and the already low participation gets fractured again resulting in 30 min Que times for solo and grouped.
Would that be worth it to you?
Personally if the Que is longer than 10 min, I don’t even bother. I would rather have fast Que times and deal with premades imo but that’s just me.
Wait wait wait. It’s not the games fault that nobody wants to play it? And your remedy for low pop is to lock people out?
I’m pretty sure that classic H v A is why classic is so massively popular, just look st the pvp events in Sod.
I think the best part of this thread is how many likes the OP got from people who don’t even pvp, they just saw that it was something negative and gave it a heart. lol
If you you don’t like random then don’t do random bg’s.
You took the time out of your day to investigate 59 people and verify each and every one of their PvP records?
Thing is people don’t want to wait 20+ minutes for Blitz to queue only to have several players not take the queue and back in line you go.
Yep. I do not believe in catering to people who break the rules. And the biggest thing affecting participation right now is premades.
So you would rather cater to players breaking the rules, which is further “fracturing the participation” as we type?
Do you know what happens as more players stop queing? The likelihood of facing a premade increases. Which just spirals downward.
Apparently you don’t even understand what is going on. Read before commenting.
Apparently you don’t.
random means random, you will be placed randomly with other random players in queue.
The issue is premade raid groups finding ways around the 5 player limit to stomp the bg’s. Dingbat.