BGs have finally died

Welcome to PvP in general, people will play whatever the FotM free carry class and spec is to the detriment of others that either don’t have the toolkit to deal with them or doesn’t want to swap to the FotM. Not surprised people are flag trolling either, I remember when BM monks back in MoP would literally stand in the middle of the arena with the flag, have the entire team on them, and just be completely invulnerable and dishing out a ton of damage at the same time.

Balance has never been a thing for WoW PvP, in both the classes and gear for it, and blizzardhas pretty much made it an after thought in favor of PvE which is their main bread and butter.


I started to look at it this way: it’s just a game, with its own strengths and weaknesses. If I stop having fun over some imbalance, I just take a break and play something else.

If we all did just that, Blizzard would react much sooner, because they would see participation metrics drop.

If nothing changes, then the majority is satisfied and it’s probably a good idea to just move on.


Which brings me to another point…
Is there an MMORPG that has anything close to WOWs style of PVP?
I mean as in it feels like WOW but without the brokenness?

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Hunters suck in Arena but are good in casual BGs. What do you think would be a good way to balance them? Remove sniper shot which would remove the 60 yard range? Cause im pretty sure just being able to pump uncoordinated casuals from 60 yards away is prob the reason hunters do so well in casuals.


Honestly, I prefer being able to group with a friend or two. Could even try to match up sides with small groups on both sides. You and a couple friends vs almost the entire other team being a premade doesn’t work so well, though.


And nothing of value was lost.

That hasn’t been my experience but I don’t do a ton of Arenas.
The few I did with a hunter, the hunter was dominant.

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I despise waiting in queue. At least in plunderstorm you are right in if you get blitzed from the start…

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How many times has this happened?

Queue up…
12 minutes later, queue pops…
Enter a BG…
Its half over and your getting crushed…
Your team has 6 players vs 10…
Game ends 2 minutes later…

Queue up…
13 minutes later, queue pops…
Game starts with you having 7 players, them 10…
You lose in 3 minutes…

Queue up…
15 minutes later, queue pops…
Game is half over and their team has 5 players and your team is camping their GY.
Game ends in 2 minutes.


Everything you’ve listed seems to be addessed by blitz. I recommend queueing that

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AV weekends were the best! I have such fun memories of that! :upside_down_face:


Makes me happy to see an unhappy DH.


This is my second class I play the most… or did.
I feel cheesy playing it now, so I don’t. Its one of the classes way out of balance.


Cool, try deleting it. You will make many people happy. (Yes I hate DHs since they came out)

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is it really that big of a deal to make a few new battlegrounds?

is there any way for a computer connected to the internet to analyze how many times people have said “new map/new battlegrounds” on the forums over time? maybe make a chart something?


Try playing between level 60-69. It’s still pretty good in that range. Late in the expansion the battlegrounds are just not very good and there are still to many thing’s they’ve never fixed, like the issue of the alliance airship being able to bombard the Hangar flag in IoC, and the Alliance 30-second advantage in AV due to the entrance locations that is no longer relevant and makes the zerg unbalanced.


I Wouldn’t think so?
Even the last few they made aren’t even real PVP maps.
The whole orb map and mining map are awful and not real all out PVP.

Few more CTF maps / node control maps and that would have made a big difference.


literally take each flag point on each battleground and make it its own arena no matter how big or small.
battlegrounds should be the easiest, choose an interesting point on the map, could be anywhere, just copy, paste, make the skybox and boundaries or whatever, voila.
thematically they could use the areas that are designated for open world pvp as battleground, but I think that the locations they use for WPvP events are fairly dull and non-inspiring when theres so much more of the world to work with.

sidenote: you know whats weird? when people put up arguments against new maps??? like… waaaaaaat?


We’d like them to fix the old maps, first. They still have issues. What good is a new map with new issues?


Honor 550ish here, and keep doing it and always did it for armor…it is bliss not having to roll and pray in pve raid to get workable gear. Here for the gear!

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