BGs are unplayable as horde

Turn on mercenary mode

Alliance had the same problem for 10 years and nothing was done. Suck it up princess.


It will even out.
People calling you names for complaining about it are pathetic.
It is discouraging to lose and only get 190 honor after spending so much time in the bg.
Just hand the gear out.
They took gw2 dragon mounts.
Why not take gw2 superior pvp gearing as well?

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I disagree its pretty funny watching horde complain about pvp when they were the dominant faction for both pve and pvp for slands,bfa and legion. I actually agree that the enlistment bonus shouldn’t have been active for a couple of weeks though.


This was the major takeaway. Shabby even.

Why let your in-game Alliance vs Horde extend to real life, and allow you to think it’s great that the person behind their computer is having a terrible time playing the game that they, and you, love? That’s literally ridiculous if you truly think about it.

No I just find it funny that horde for the past couple of years have been constantly telling alliance to “get gud” and that nothing is wrong but the first setback they have in literal years they go straight to the forums to cry about it.

I actually agree about the enlistment bonus but I have a feeling this is going to be a repeat of wod were everyone went alliance and horde lost all the time.

I am sorry you having a bad time, my advice is to form a 5 man premade and bg that way. Its what I did as alliance in mop and horde in wod.


No. WoW BGs are zero-sum games. By definition, if one side benefits, the other loses, no matter how you elect to describe “rewards” or “punishments”.

lmao the horde has a advantage a long while, it’s finally turning tables in df.


Yea but this problem won’t be nearly as bad as the expansions unfolds since the gear syncs up. It’s a problem that will fix itself over time. I chose to ding into the full pvp set and it’s been amazing :slight_smile:

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Horde tears are my favourite.


I’m looking at it like a good thing, we have cleaned our ranks of the freeloading fairweather players who can’t think for themselves. Meat shields at best.
The swifter the better, let the true Horde keep the faction strong.

In 60s BGs some horde teams seem to significantly out gear the alliance teams and just GY camp them. /shrug

Well arent you way out of touch lmao… a 50% honor gain means getting gear 50% faster… its not rocket science

I will say what I said in another thread.

Alliance level up slower, due to ganks/turning off WPVP.

While horde can hit 70 faster, they gear faster. That’s it. Honor bonus is just a way to a losing alliance get gear anyway.

Of course, after a few weeks, things are balanced. Or even debalanced towards Ally (after the first couple of days). But that’s gonna end soon.

been week of it not fun!

It’s WOD all over again. In the EU every FOTM meta slave is rerolling to alliance already. Currently EU horde is having enlistment bonus and alliance has merc. How the turn tables…

Okay listen.

Day in and day out, I have to deal with the endless meme that “Alliance sucks at PVP so why even bother?” (we don’t actually, but the meme persists)

And the moment Alliance has any kind of measurable winning streak, Horde players start whining about it?

Give me a break and suck it up. When everything shakes out, I hope Alliance players have more confidence in themselves.


Oh like when Alliance whined about AV that your start point was too far away? Blizz didn’t hesitate to move it closer to the Horde boss to make it more fair. I didn’t complain.

And by the way, I don’t think Ally suck at pvp, I just think it should be fair.

Are you trying to tell me you’re salty about a balance change… from Vanilla?