BG's are all premades horde favored

blacksmithin’ around? :wink:

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rsham is for sure miles better than pally right now for high damage range vs range fights like at bs too. pally can pump but once they bottom out theyre bottomed out. rsham just keeps going.

easiest way to win bs is play front to back and just kill whatever is closest so your ranged are never in danger. rsham excels at fights like that.

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it’s rough out there man. most people who take pvp seriously on alliance are gone from alliance. I haven’t played in a month. keep hoping for them to make some changes that will greatly benefit us for a change but P4 ain’t looking too hot

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hey what’s queue times looking like right now for horde anyway?

The craziest thing, is I think he is in what a 15 stack organized in discord. Losing to pugs??? Either he is next level bad orrrrrr ele is absolutely positively BROKEN.

Or both. Could easily be both.

that would be an absurd premade without a single boomie lol

but then again not many people left playing alliance late p3

Oh whew I zoomed in and saw the living flames. I know he sometimes does 321 with 3 groups total for AB. Man that would have been a super depressing loss especially since you are just getting face rolled by eles pressing flame shock LvB

p4 hype p4 hype!

which is exactly why lol dude breathe thru your nose and then read. you are saying what i just said. critical thinking is important. im unsure if you understand the algorithm. but im not hear to teach you it unless youre open to learning. lmk i dont mind wasting my time to help. genuinely

Yeah but the reason youre saying its finding the 5 man group before solo is because more alliance are premading.

This is not the case.

Majority of horde 5manning come against solo queue alliance.

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You are saying more alliance 2-5 man than solo, you have to do the same on horde to get into bgs faster to hit the same queue as them. If the queue system worked like that, alliance would be forced to 2-5 man stack to get instant queues as there are only a few games going. If the queue system worked like that, there would be more solo queue horde getting into games to match the amount of solo queue alliance.

If you solo queue as a horde right now, you are looking at an hour + queue. If you solo queue as alliance, instant. The horde 5man groups are being shuffled to the front of the queue ahead of the horde solo queuers and coming against solo queueing alliance. Nothing to do with alliance premading, all to do with it being easier to find 5 man groups than 5 individuals to put into a queue system.

Take a step back from the computer, maybe try opening your eyes. If you currently BG on both sides you can see whats happening.


yea had a few 8 living flames vs no one over duo queue if that. i just dont see actual horde pugs based on servers but I do see it pretty often on ally.

pretty sure it wasnt this bad before the pop drop though

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“If your anecdotes are different than my anecdotes you must be a liar!”

it’s literally an instant que every time solo queueing as alliance. I continued to queue by myself for a little bit after my friends quit like a month into p3

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