Lying doesn’t win you arguments. Pretty pathetic.
Anyways now that we’ve established I’m correct and you’re not, it’s time for you to move on with your life now. Go watch robin williams patch adams movie. Maybe you’ll connect more with reality. It logs me in with healers that have 13 wins and 48 losses aka. derankers. Also, I just hit 1800 and will be past your weak 2.1k soon.
I have found that if I am playing in a ranked match, and we lose, it’s always someone elses fault. My team is throwing and the enemy team ALWAYS is a pre-made. No matter what. I am amazing, so the losses are never my fault!
It had duo queue before it was even on the PTR though…
Unfortunately this is true, and it shouldn’t be. The rating system is just so bad especially for the solo queue rated content.
It might make more sense next season when they inevitably squash the artificial MMR inflation.
Lets hope.
What exactly do you think there is proof of? I don’t think anyone disputes that there are people selling carries. Rated PvP has always had paid carries.
You seem to think that because there are paid carries, there has to be someone on the other team throwing. And that idea is kind of absurd. It would be highly unreliable to set up, likely to cause unwanted attention, and it would be completely unnecessary as the players selling carries in Blitz can get up to 2400 no problem.
Do you have another WoW account you play on? This one you’re posting on doesn’t have much PvP exp and this particular char is stuck under 1600 in BGB. So you’ve done the placement games and are still in the low bracket, which is filled with a bunch of people who just want to sponge conquest, some of whom got lucky to be rated where they are. I can understand seeing people who are so bad and/or uninvolved, it seems like they must be throwing.
Never trust a priest!! Jaysus h krist!! They always be throwing games and stuff!
pisslow mmr is just so saturated, to encounter actual win trading is extremely rare, if not, not actually happening.
believe it or not, some people are actually just that bad and the mmr system isn’t designed to put bad players in their respective brackets
Brother im 5 games in on my bm hunter without a single win. Always top of dps. Something isnt right
One moment I met you in Blitz, good dps bro but you must protect Mage Tower as hunter, give me back my victory in EOTS.
There has never been a time where I was guarding MT or ever asked to, especially since you would start with DR. I also haven’t played this hunter in months. o.O
at around 2500 mmv all of a sudden, the game would match me into losing lobbies nonstop, the players all of a sudden act like AIs, it is IMPOSSIBLE to win