I get it. I don’t think I’m lucky though. I have put in a ton of games across a few toons and I have seen some pretty suspect stuff. That number though is still really low.
By contrast, what I do see a lot of is people immediately saying someone is throwing when they play poorly. I have had that directed at me in game and even here. We don’t need more feralscales that accuse every other player of cheating because something bad happens.
Great example is a 2k resto sham I was grouped with the other day. Was around 2400 MMR. They had never been past 2k in any bracket but blitz and man did they talk a lot of trash. The second the game start going south, they immediately started saying “report X for throwing.” bla bla bla. Well, we lose… and then I get the same shaman in my next group on TP. Guess what? He runs in and DIES ALONE against a rogue 1v1. He instantly started blaming everyone else for… not peeling for him in duel. He could have tossed down a link and been fine.
More players just need to put the onus on themselves when they lose and move on. Again, not saying it doesn’t happen, but the supply of cheaters doesn’t come close to teh demand of those accusing others of cheating.
Sure. Maybe there is some of that, but most of the hunters I see ahead of me I have seen from prior seasons in shuffle or arena. I don’t even think I’m that high considering.
Uh my last healer a moment ago had 14 million. That’s throwing. Website boost queue’ing is real and that’s all there is to it. It just makes it a lot longer for legit players to gain rating when it should be over within 50 games. Not 300 games to reach 2.4k. Right now I’m gaining like 75 rating per day at best and that number should at least be quadrupled… Too much throwing and obvious website gatekeeping. I’m not going into it further. They are piloted alts that people pay IRL money to get boosted before end of season inflation.
Yea, disagree. You currently have 12 wins in 29 games. It’s not cheaters keeping you in that range. You have more than enough agency to push past that.
In the end, your chances of being on the same team as these players as not is essentially the same. So you’re going to have the game where the random AFK is on your team and you’re going to have games with they are on the other team. It goes both ways. It’s not ALWAYS going to be against you.
That’s god damn nonsense and that’s all there is to it. My W/L ratio will EVEN OUT later after hundreds more matches, because I’ve been in 2k MMR lobbies and everything is whacked out. I know TWO people today alone that had to play over 400 matches in order to get to their 2.4k because of the same gutter trash of exploitation. I put up high numbers on flags and objectives. The only thing holding me back, was throwers from websites and people who were literally afk after first team fight, like that DH that was just on my team moments ago who did 17 million damage. I was there, you weren’t. Also 14 of those matches were me in full green gear this is a BRAND NEW character that I conquest capped. End of story.
I’m not trolling. I get you don’t want to hear it, but that’s reality. High numbers are pretty meaningless if you’re playing a hunter. Most games you should be watching nodes, taking nodes, focusing FC, etc.
No one is throwing games at 1600 because of some website.
Yes they are. The only way around it is to keep queueing until hundreds of matches are played, unless you’re on the team of exploiters from the websites making real money off of this. I mean there’s proof everywhere of it and like 20 different boosting sites with pilots too. Nobody mentioned high numbers.
Pilots… yes. I get it. Pilots aren’t throwing games so someone else will win on the other team. Again, if your issue is pilots, you have just as much a chance to be on the team as the pilot as not. There isn’t some conspiracy that is presently only YOU from getting a win.
No one is saying boosting doesn’t happen. What I’m saying is no one is throwing at 1600 to help a player on the other side win. It’s absurd.
Wrong. There’s proof all over google and youtube for paid services that exploit vs. Pugs and more. Sorry nothing you say will excuse or magically make that go away. AFK players and throwers playing for the other team are an issue and that’s all there is to it.
Anyways now that we’ve established I’m correct and you’re not, it’s time for you to move on with your life now. Go watch robin williams patch adams movie. Maybe you’ll connect more with reality.
cheating/boosting and afk’ers and throwers are exactly why 90% of the population has a negative win loss ratio as seen on the websites you’re in denial about. Proof smacked you in your teeth.
Anyways now that we’ve established I’m correct and you’re not, it’s time for you to move on with your life now. Go watch robin williams patch adams movie. Maybe you’ll connect more with reality.