BG queues are horrible

This is all fine and good, but it has stood the test of time on pservers. People solved the game. They know what the best things are even if it won’t be as good initially because of low resil.

You don’t have to leave your friend or play something you don’t like. But if you want short BS queues, then that is your option. Everyone knew going into this that horde would be stacked with PvP people and you all made the choice to play horde, which means you were ok with longer queues for BGs. They shouldn’t change the game because you demand faster honor.

This is a funny thing people say all the time, and most of us thought this coming into classic, only to realize there were plenty of optimizations left to be had. The game isn’t solved. Also Classic servers had better data in many cases and have been developed for much longer than TBC servers. I know, I was there early on.

I have already mentioned this in the thread, but to reiterate, in recent beta twitch tournaments (and there are a TON of pserver tryhard heroes on there), you had lifelong horde mains swapping to alliance because it was better for their comps.

Its not even close the racials. They are hands down better for horde. Gnome is solid on warrior for sure but relent / tauren racials are better in some matchups. WotF is insane in a priest/lock meta that is TBC.

The only time that people were actively switching to ally is when the un-nerfed EMF was in. A soon as they nerfed that, they moved back to horde. So yea, PvP is all about racials.

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It’s not a player made problem, that’s not the way you look at game design. That’s the way you’re viewing it as an outsider. As a game designer YOU create the realm of possible circumstances that people an interact within. If you’re a new player, you come to WoW knowing nothing, and then choose the horde because “orcs cool”, only to realize after reaching max level that in 2021 you have to sit in a queue fifteen times longer than the enemy team in order to enter a battleground… how do you blame the players for this??

It’s Blizzard’s job to convince and coax players into a different path. Stop. The. Shilling.

As far as the “why in Classic?” point goes, we’ve already had this discussion in the Classic community that “some changes” in the spirit of Classic is the goal. Both the devs and the community seemed to be on the same page with this (at least when you poll the fanbases of various popular influencers, which is the best we have right now).

If 2007 Blizzard could have solved this problem, they would have, they wanted to. In fact, some of the designers were much more willing to lock factions early-on. Well, now we have more time, more perspective, and more knowledge to solve problems. So they should do it.

Alliance has two of the best pvp racials in the game, with perception and escape artist. Only WotF even comes close on Horde.

Regarding queue times, just allow us to queue from anywhere in the world. The technology is there to accommodate this. Why do we have to queue from a battlemaster? At least we can farm gold while waiting, instead of twiddling our thumbs in orgrimarr.

theres less alli than horde

Because that’s how it was in Classic. Also, there’s something nice about everyone gathering in one spot. That’s what MMO’s are about.

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With BE this will become even more of an issue, just like it was in the original TBC when blizzard tried to “fix” faction populations.

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I may have suggested this in another thread, but to be honest I’m not entirely sure if this one is in the spirit of Classic or not. I’m actually probably more into the radical RP-friendly notion of having to queue from the actual battleground. Lately I’ve been queueing AV while leveling fishing in the nearby Hillsbrad, Alterac and WPL river (further north = higher fishing).

I guess on paper you can view it as an expedition or something when you queue from the city. Being summoned back is definitely a Classic quirk but hard to say if it’s universally better to be pulled back or not.

I agree, although you can run pretty far away after queueing and not be “gathered” any longer when it pops, then magically enter the battleground. IDK, it’s a little weird. The ideal solution is still to correct or minimize the queueing balance.

i mean yeah seems like its been that way since the beginning of time, horde is more popular because of many reasons whether it being aesthetic, racials, or just the fact that its more popular and snowballs

Im fine with 30+min queues as long as I dont have to fight alliance every 5 feet out in the world. Being alliance in classic out in the world was beyond terrible.

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you actually haven’t played tbc at very all if you think horde racials are better lol


I’ve been saying that the solution for this problem… is to simply allow factions to queue against themselves. Say… after a set time… if a queue doesn’t pop, it will pit you against your own faction, assuming there’s enough queued. This would be a very good way to give players more reward for their time by making queue’s significantly faster at all hours of the day AND night for night owls like myself.

The reverse was true (for me) on Faerlina, and now on Whitemane the world pop is 50/50. That’s definitely a server choice thing. Balancing server pops is way harder at this point but they should try to tackle that too. BG queue balance is WAY off though when you consider that Alliance outpopulates Horde by roughly 10%.

A lot of casual PvP occurred in TBC because of the ease of access and slower pace (in terms of keybinds and gcds) in TBC as compared to later expansions. I don’t believe they can’t create an incentive to get Alliance involved in BG queues, the bodies are already there.

Its not bad at all go fish oily blackmouths for faps while u wait or something. It was your choice to pick the more populous faction.

They do this on retail but this is a really last-ditch effort solution. It’s pretty jarring and against the core aesthetic of Classic Warcraft to do this. If they did this, I would prefer they set the target queue closer to 5 minutes or something, so that it’s a toss up between when you’re war-gaming against horde and when you’re fighting alliance, but they shouldn’t do the whole “transforming your orc into a dwarf” thing (like they do in mercenary mode). It should just be HvH.

Still though this is a REALLY suboptimal solution.

It’s a huge bummer. I lived for pvp in TBC and I remember queues were not long at all. It’s a change with the community that will never be the same

Yeah I don’t see why we can’t just play vs the same faction. We can do it in arena, so who cares about battle grounds. I mean it’s crazy they gave the same pally seals to both races and other crazy changes but won’t do qol improvements like this or dual spec.