BG Gear + Conquest + Scaling

What bums me out the most is this all starting to look at lot like BFA 2.0 in regards to alt unfriendliness and gear juggling.

In terms of gear it seems even worse than BFA thanks to all this covenant business. Now I don’t know how min/max it is but in reviewing wowhead’s list of “This is the best frat house for each spec” i’m seeing even different covenants for different specs within the same f-ing class. Which will be even more detrimental for classes that can play different roles. My Druid is in the corner crying right now.

Yea alting and borrowed power is oil and water. Plus it seems blizz wants that “completion” feeling you get from finishing a character to take several more weeks to get to because the completion feeling gear is time gated behind your weekly vault. It’ll take a minimum of 17 weeks to get that. I typically don’t changed alts until I hit that completion feeling.

The covenants don’t bother me as much seeing how they have been removing power creep from them. I’m definitely picking whats fun for pvp though before considering pve and my friends are going to have to deal with my 2% less dps decision lol.

I could tell bfa was going to be alt unfriendly and some people fought me on it.
I promise you while not as friendly as like mop or wod, it will be good enough.

There are things that need to be addressed and fixed, but overall its like a C- BFa was a F, legion was a D until about half way through then it was C+

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Well then this has renewed some of my hope.

How many times have you got stuck at 1k rating?

That’s amazing!

I saw someone that bgs a lot with a 10% win rate in rbgs last season They had over 100 games played.

Funny part is with the 10% win rate they still got over 1400.


Don’t get me wrong it isn’t perfect, but with like 90% of the cov things and lego and stuff, that’s weekly capped, not dailies weeklies.
That’s a lot more alt friendly than every 3 days.
But eventually you’ll have all your conquest, you’ll have the lego you want.

Most people aren’t talking alts though, they are actually trying to have 10 mains, not alts.
Like you were hardcore if your alt had both professions and every enchant

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The prepatch has nothing to do with it. When they removed corruption, they removed scaling to make sure mythic raiders still had their special accommodations so they could continue to 1 shot most players.

Considering what we’ve seen of gearing in SL, I have no doubt that the power gap will be larger in SL. And we will still be seeing the privileged recipients of the devs’ largesse making excuses why it is good for PvP to allow them to get carried by their gear to risk-free wins.


no they removed scaling because it’s stupid as hell.

You have never twinked before have you?
Or actually got into doing the math behind it to optimize your gear for it?

Because the moment we became not max lvl (60 is max) then our stats no longer scaled correctly, it use to be as you got closer to max lvl you got less per point.

However like lvl 19’s melee, back before the first stat/ilvl squishes, the best enchant regardless of being str or agi was the crusader enchant.
It would give you 100 strength and heal you for like (was like 5% of a lvl 60s health at time of wrath) well at lvl 80 100 str was 1:2 str to ap.
As you went down lower from 80s that ratio changed to like lvl 75 that rate (iirc) was like 2.8:1
At lvl 19 the conversion rate was something stupid like 1:25.
So a warrior using that enchant 41 lvls before he should is basically effective a lvl like 45 with his ap and would just one shot.

In wrath I messed with twinking before bgs gave xp, had a pret paladin in pure sunwell/bt gear gemmed all stam from lvl 80 and had 22k health at lvl 70.
Which btw a geared plate wearer in naxx 25 gear had anywhere from 20k-24k health depending on race, spec, and final actual gearscore.

So many words to say " I am not reading just want to vent"

The stat is called versatility and there is a pvp bonus as well

Don’t believe me ?,two%20PvP%20trinkets%2C%20Gladiator’s%20Distinction.

But I know how this story goes
You will be stuck on your soapbox

I’ll just keep advancing in pvp and you do you?


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but my free ride?!?!

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Yes before MOP.

We literally have been through this multiple times now.

Weapons were rating locked for the last of Wrath and all of Cata. Nothing else.

so bc and wrath do you know what resilience actually did?

Yeah it’s an absolute joke

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Some of the best years of wow though.

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I disagree. The devs do what they want for their own reasons. If you think they’re listening to a minority of PvPers from among the many constructive threads and posts, that’s hilarious. Go visit the bgs forum and see what people think about how well the devs are accepting feedback.

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If BFA was an F and legion a D, that must be the BIGGEST E separating those in existence.

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Only thing I remember E being used for was when primary schools use to grade conduct

This could all be a non-issue if they just made it so professions crafted the base honor sets and possibly the first few tiers of upgrades. With minimal crafting reagents. That way if in the first few tiers you replace a piece with something better it’s not a huge loss of time and Honor.

I love the fact that with scaling gone the game Is so much faster. I’m not someone who runs around in maxed out gear one shotting folks I’m an average healer in average gear doing average things enjoying how fast bgs are now.
The days of grinding bgs and conquest and ten arena wins for pvp tier gear is gone. To stay aotc in gear it’s gonna require mythics, raids and pvp. All in a week. The only thing that really does for me is … my alt. How many people just levelled ten max level alts…it’s gonna be a full time job keeping one character aotc. Didn’t Ion say sl was a little more alt friendly?

you could do that in 3s and only 4 in rbgs (iirc)
2s was a different story, but the arena forums has made it clear 2s doesn’t matter so when blizzard messes with it and makes it less relevant is it really their fault or ours saying 2s doesn’t mean anything.

Zero infinite systems and hard cappong a lot of the week stuff hells