BG forums lounge

I commend your bravery!! Please tell us how gross it is because it looks super gross.
Waffles are passable to me. They are not as sugar sweet and covered in glaze. Reminds me of pigs in a blanket but with fried chicken

Everything you said.
This is where to pump the breaks and socialize. If someone has a different opinion the lounge is not the place to run it into the ground imo. Especially when the argument is being had in a bunch of different threads already.

I finally saw someone from the forums in IoC. It was Cear!

She bravely ran into 10 or so of us more than once.

Hopping back on the old conversation about Baldurs Gate/Pillars of Eternity and all that.

Some screenshots were leaked recently for Baldurs Gate 3 and it has me so excited. Looks like first person perspective for conversations with some beautiful artstyles. In addition, turn based combat which is much better for that medium IMO.


Pretty pumped for this game not going to lie.

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Hi friends! Hope yall are all doing well, even that anklebiter Squeak. <3


I tried this today.

Itā€™s like a prize winning sandwich at the county fair. I probably wouldnā€™t order it again lol.


What even is this game?

Brave or crazy? Crazy brave? Bravely crazy?

Iā€™m ponderingā€¦ :thinking:

Was it a battle for your arteries?

Pour enough money in genetic engineering and this could be a realityā€¦

Someone should go convince Jeff Bezos that donut plants are something that should exist.

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Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

I mean it wasnā€™t terrible tasting. Itā€™s more of a fair food though like fried ice cream or fried oreos. Imagine your chicken sandwich falling onto a funnel cake.

Say no more!

Some of us would like to avoid the corrupted creations of Nā€™Zothā€¦


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I didnā€™t think you would really try it!! Brave!!! Nice!! :smile:

Phrased like that it does not sound too bad. Def a sugar overload.

Iā€™ve never eaten a funnel cake. :laughing: Or fried oreos for that matter. I did see fried stick of butter one time, and it kinda scared me. Fried stick of butterā€¦my brain just doesnā€™t compute that one.

Yea Iā€™m out on a stick of butter.

The comedian Jon Reep has a good skit about the county fair and the guy who made the funnel cake. Heā€™s the guy that did the Dodge commercials way backā€¦ ā€œthat thing got a hemi!!!ā€

I think they render out the fat so itā€™s mostly just flavorā€¦

Furthermore, the hero who braved fried chicken encased in donuts should have nothing to fearā€¦


Tarren Mill vs Southshore, aka the best brawl ever starts on Tuesday


I was tabbed out doing something else, but I logged over here just to upvote your comment :+1:

Iā€™m taking this next week ā€œoffā€ of anything else besides Southshore vs Tarren Mill (no PvE stuff, no M+, no visions stuff, etc), you know where to find me :smiling_imp:


I guess I should educate myself then. I just imagined it prepped like fried ice cream.

No, no. No need to check.

Itā€™s definitely mostly* fat-free.

* not
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