BG forums lounge

The lounge is really for anything.

What about the coffee and Baileyā€™s?


I mean, yes, of course.

It just seems like thereā€™s some purposeful contrarian comments that imo just ruin the chill concept of a lounge in the forum.

When I think of the lounge concept itā€™s a place to bs about stuff like donuts and apparently horrible chicken donut sandwiches (personal opinion).

And sure, people will of course complain about the game and all that because itā€™s still a game forum.

Iā€™ve been on this forum for long af at this point, and Iā€™ve made some decent internet relationships.

The lounge is the place where it seems most long term posters can come to and avoid the constant stream of ā€œalliance always loseā€ and ā€œpremades suckā€ and ā€œtwinks twinks ruin everythingā€!!

Just seems a bit overly argumentative lately. I donā€™t mind discussing disagreeing opinions at all. But consistent comments that just refer to other people as stupid, etc, isnā€™t really discussing as much as it is instigating further aggression.

When it started like a year ago (and I miss the druid formerly known as sparkle pony) it was just chill.

So sure, itā€™s for anything, but any real place spot I would go to for chilling if it became as seemingly hostile as this place is becoming, Iā€™d just start avoiding.

Thatā€™s my two cents.


Man if I only had my GIF access stillā€¦ just pretend the following is a GIF:

ā€œDaddy Chill!ā€

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Saying what he has on his alt in 4 hours is hardly confrontationalā€¦ but, yea.

Eh, I hardly reply in this post because everyone is still tied up in classic. Just focusing on building friends list for m+

My bad Freddyā€¦ I got rowdy before I remembered where I was!

I will also try harder to not be disgusted by donuts and chicken combos in the future :thinking:

Nobody needs to apologize.

Weā€™re all human (in pixelated non human - well some are human - form).

I feel like the odd man out here on all this eating sht though.

What with me being all sorts of wacked out in my own crazy eating habits.

And I did see the sonic movie on Sunday, and I actually really liked it. They did a nice job.

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Eh, takes two to tango, I got no problem admitting I get riled up easier than I should.

Where jd been at by the way, leveled my lock finally, trying to work my way through the war campaign to get to Naz and the cloak shudder

Tell me more lolā€¦ My lunch yesterday consisted of kd and an appleā€¦ My boss was perplexed lol

I think Iā€™ll still wait for that one to come to DVD :joy:

What the f is kd?

My diet isnā€™t really wacked out, Iā€™m vegan and do intermittent fasting (I alternate between 16/8 and 18/6 - first number how long I fast, second the period I eat in).

Of course Iā€™m probably fitting an nyc (even though now nj) stereotype, what with the tattoos, Mohawk, and diet.

I also hate saying Iā€™m vegan, because of course the whole meme of ā€œhow do you know someone is vegan? Because they tell youā€

I cook a lot. Itā€™s fun. I like making various dishes, from a wide variety of styles and ethnicities. Made some banging Thai red curry the other week that Iā€™m probably making tonight or tomorrow.

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Kraft dinner, white cheddar specificallyā€¦ Guilty pleasure hahaha

Sounds roughā€¦ My buddy does intermittent fasting but it would wreck me. Same with the vegan part lolā€¦ Live in a beef province on a beef farm. Had high quality steak for dinner 4 out of 7 days of the week when I was a kid :joy: body couldnā€™t handle cutting that out.

Sounds tasty! I like cooking but I definitely not as adventurousā€¦ I have to try something and know itā€™s good before I attempt it

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I try to purposefully not be a dbag vegan.

Like if Iā€™m at someoneā€™s house Iā€™m not going to refuse to eat because they used eggs or milk or something in a dish.

And on holidays Iā€™ll eat a piece of meat my mom makes, because I donā€™t want to be older and wish I had a chance to eat her food one more time and have missed it.

And when I travel (internationally) I always try some local foods, because same thing.

Itā€™s my diet, so Iā€™ll handle it for me when I do it for me.


I had an ice cream cone made out of a glacier ice from a volcano in Ecuador. Also had some street meat. The gf couldnā€™t believe I didnā€™t get sick :joy: I wasnā€™t a huge fan of Ecuadorian food.

Iā€™ve heard good things about India and Japan so those are on the list of places Iā€™m headed.

Same lol. Dad taught us to never name the cows. We did that once. Us kids had a hard time eating dinner the next few months lolā€¦

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Good ol 4Hā€¦ Care for your cow, make it look real good, show it off and then eat it. Weird system :joy:


Yeah, about that.

Squeektoy, you had one jobā€¦

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no meme, if youā€™ve been to naz on your main, alts automatically get the quest to Naz, and you go right over, and do like 3 naz quests before magni pops up with an upgrade your neck quest :thinking:


My granddad did that once. He was a gruff and tough old dude but soft-hearted with children and animals. Had a house with acreage in the back. Got two young steers when I was a kid. He called them Sir Loin and T-bone. He got way too attached and couldnā€™t slaughter them. They became like big bovine dogs, following him around, wanting to be petted and fed carrots.

For real.

I timed it from Naz boat to Magni it was like 10 minutes.

The slowest part is waiting for the faction person who opens the portal because they walk slow af

Opening heart quest bumps neck to 50 no matter what.

My spriest neck was 11 and it went straight to 50 just talking to Magni and his creepy mom.

Is it time for carrots again?

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