BG forums lounge (Part 2)

im sure theyre going to increase the cap going into tww as well

That would be cool I live making and lvling new toons so I would recap my main account right away lol.

I think Iā€™m going to level another toon or two through Remix 'cus I still need a few of the mounts. The question isā€¦do I make my first Vulpera and Kul Tiran? D:

Server maintenance extended again until 9pm PST. That means Iā€™m officially tapped out for the night! Guess Iā€™ll just dust off Classic and play that instead. :rofl:

Its up now and the warbands look interesting!

Up is relative, times be tough. Everyone DCā€™d in the AV I queueā€™d in to and got deserter when they logged back in lolol

Lol! Just had a funny Ashran where the gate wonā€™t open, then dc everyone :smiley:

Now there is a small WoW updateā€¦ maybe quick fix?

Iā€™m just trying to play around on my Ele, looks like silly damage with lightning back in play.

Each time I breathe dirty/smoke-filled air I dislike Canada just a little more, what a nuisance :nauseated_face: :dizzy_face: :-1:

Iā€™ve only been to Canada once, went to Vancouver when I was like 13 with my family. All I remember is it being run down, dirty and seeing lots of erm, ladies of the night. I guess they have like maple syrup or something idk.

Sorry to hear that. :cry:We had a taste of this in Toronto last summer from Quebec fires. Not fun.

I donā€™t even live near Canada, but ā€œit just so happensā€ the wind patterns are such that thick wildfire smoke is getting blown directly south into America and a bunch of us in the center of the country are having to breathe that nastiness :dizzy_face::nauseated_face::dizzy_face:

Super annoying :-1: ā€¦especially as someone with asthma

Not gonna lie, the thick haze/smog has kinda ruined my week so far since Iā€™ve been ā€œstuckā€ indoors unable to go outside for much time

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True, but thatā€™s pretty typical of any major downtown. Van ainā€™t no different in that respect.

Oh, nowwwww you want to talk. I try to say hi Gilneas and I get the silent treatment </3

Sorryā€¦who is this?

Hear me outā€¦.

Drilling for solar energy.

Mouse flavored cat food.

Weā€™ve gotta find a way to make this happen.

Yeah, pretty much. Although ottawa isnt too bad its just a few select areas that have that issue.

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Iā€™m gettinā€™ real tired of these 100+ degree days :frowning:

Its only 19c today but the past couple of days have been brutal here as well. walk outside into 33c and it feels like I am being oppressed by the heat lol.

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