BG forums lounge (Part 2)

Happy Birthday!


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Meh, I went 61-70 in a day and hurt minimal feelings. Think I only ended up doing like 15-20 BGs while leveling. Happy Birthday! After 25 itā€™s all kind of downhill, now Iā€™m just looking forward to my youngest graduating HS so I can sell my house and buy something with like 10-15 acres.

I have known ppl that will carry the anger of a lost game for like 4 weeks lol. I wish I was joking about that as well.

You think so? I personally feel like I was worse off at 25 then I am at 33, like I am down from 300 pounds to the 160s. I am still pretty poor though rofl so maybe you are right.

Sounds like a sick idea, thinking of any where specific? I would love to have a couple acres of woods to just do bush crafting in for fun, cant really do that in a city.

with the illegal weed market tanking there are many properties available in northern california specifically mendocino and humbolt county.

Nah the after 25 being downhill was just a comment directed at no real ā€˜milestoneā€™ to look forward to. 18 youā€™re an adult, 21 you can partake in whatever, 25 you get that insurance break - whatā€™s next? Iā€™ll be 42 when my youngest is 18 so Iā€™m looking forward to a nice change of pace where schools, neighbors and neighborhoods donā€™t matter.

And no, nowhere ā€˜specificā€™. Currently in Southern VA, grew up here and the Navy sent me back here and I do enjoy it. So itā€™ll probably end up being some +/-30 minutes from here, may end up being in NC ( Iā€™m ~10 minutes from the state line ).

35 you can run for president

Yes, yes you can.

Pretty true I hadnā€™t really thought about it that much though. Kinda crazy how in ontario you can drink and stuff at 18 but you cant rent a car until like lvl 25.

Heh, itā€™s just the old cynical guy in me ( feel way older 'cus I had kids super young, but Iā€™m 37 ). Everyone has more to look forward to, just depends on your life. My oldest graduated high school this year and was already in college before it ended, so Iā€™m looking forward to watching her grow. My youngest ( 13 ), is finally coming in to her own and starting to figure out what she wants to do with her time and her life ( to a lesser extent ). Pesonally, Iā€™m looking forward to selling my house when she graduates and getting 10-15 acres so I donā€™t have to worry about neighbors, HOAs, etc. :stuck_out_tongue:

tl;dr - I need to read more about TWW so I can start planning for launch :open_mouth: She also wants to get in to some WoW so I gave her my 2nd PC ( Pretty solid and tossed my 3070 in there, upgraded to a 4070TI :smiley: ) so Iā€™ll probably delete some old alts since my account is capped and play a bit with her to get her started on the right foot!

Thereā€™s also retirement. I think thatā€™s something to look forward to.

Man Iā€™m so out from that itā€™s not even in my line of thought, the best/most lucrative way to make it comfortable is though! If I joined the Navy at 18 Iā€™d be waaaaay closer but that wasnā€™t the case ;(

Ya knowā€¦ If there are more than 5 people at a birthday party, it should really be called a birthday raid.


It should really always be in your line of thought, though. You need to start preparing yourself when youā€™re young. Donā€™t wait until youā€™re 60 and start stressing out over how many pensions you might have.

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Oh definitely, just not as a ā€˜boy, I get to retire in XX years!ā€™. I started a bit late as my wife joined the Navy out of HS and I sat back with the kids as she got her career ( eventually outside the Navy ) going so Iā€™m playing catch up now. Got the path laid out, just need to continue making moves in right direction! Iā€™ll still retire before retirement age, so thatā€™s a plus lolol

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pff amateur you gotta be like me and have 3 accounts + 2 pure f2ps.

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I love seeing the tricked out lvl 10 toons in warforged gear. That takes some dedication.

I actually do have three accounts, only one has an active sub though :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe Iā€™ll sub my OG account with my vonilla toons. f2p accounts pretty active in the PvP world? May toy around with one of my others if I get bored.

Not a big fan of 10s personally but yeah they completely destroy everything in dungeons and stuff.

Not really, when f2p was put into xpoff again 29s chased them all away. there are some dedicated war games though and any games you can get primetime random queing if you dont mind fighting 29ā€™s.

Most 20s these days just farm pve content to get bis gear to show off, considering it takes like 4-5k dungeon runs to get perfect gear ( warforged, socket,speed tert)


Are you sure your account is capped? Blizzard has increased the cap a few times.

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Honestly itā€™s been a bit, I know they increased the cap with Evokers ( and I gots two of them ) but I really havenā€™t tried recently. Maybe Iā€™ll give her a shot after this BG pops.