BG forums lounge (Part 2)

Bonus points when the dps also manage to do 0 dps lol.

Been leveling another Mage ( I rotate through the specs every game ) in the 61-69 bracket and the amount of people with similar gear doing 25% of my damage ( calling out the MM Hunters here specifically ) is wild.

Edit to add SS of a random game yesterday h ttps:// , the DK is similarly geared, the Priest was rocking 500k+ HP in the 440ilvl+ timewalking gear. I’m in quest gear/crafted gear =/

true thank goodness

my bad i been playing other games a lil

I have been mostly playing remix tbh lol idk what you guys are all up to.

Beta next Wednesday, I hope you all got your Epic Version of the game so we can try the Battlegrounds together. See you in there!

No thank you! I’m not dropping $115 for that.


What’s a fun game you would recommend until TWW

Same. I feel like the days of me pre buying xpacs ended in wod though. 115 for beta access just isnt worth it either imo. On the plus side some boys or girls from xpoff might get it and that is all I need to see whats in store for my twinks.

I’ll buy the expansion as I always do. I’m just not enough of a fanatic to go in for bells and whistles.

Ayo where the hot babes(tosk) at

What kind of games do you normally like?

I’m still so mad my post wasn’t allowed to go as far as tsataga’s

Edi: forum mods hate gnomes


Calm down Jell-o Cube.

(had to take a screenshot before people think I’m attacking Miz for no reason)

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If you like kung fu and Star Wars, The Acolyte comes out tonight.


Just chillin at home, trying to scrounge up some inspiration for art stuff. What have you been up to recently? Playing cata or no?

Everybody hates gnomes. Especially me :smiley:

I like survival and grindy mmos or things like Monster hunter

I have just over 5k hours on rimworld its a pretty fun sim game, lots of replayability via mods as well. also a ton of time on stellaris too.

huh my lvl 20 linked f2p remic hunter is gone, just no longer shows up in my character select screen. Can still make new remix characters on the linked account though how strange.

Don’t blame them, gnomes are very tos