BG forums lounge (Part 2)

Ya i have an 85 feral on bene. Other than gearing that up, I’m just playing random steam games while enjoying summer vacation

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I enjoy BGs way too much, makes me kinda sad.


The original series?

Oh pardon. That’s just my admittedly rather large staff

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I’m also kind, thoughtful, extremely handsome and exceptionally humble.


Did anyone watch the fourth test flight of Starship?

The Little Flap That Could!

Saving it for this weekend! Gotta leech my in-laws Disney sub XD

Oh, that’s why I recognize your name! I uh, apologize for emote spamming if I did it in an epic recently >: I usually figure if we’re getting stomped and I recognize a name it’s some guy in a premade. :woman_shrugging:

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Nope, just a regular no-life XD! Are you the evoker? or the Ele shammy who tea-bagged me for 1 minute straight because I didn’t release and was waiting to see how long he would keep it up lmao

Don’t worry, I’m not that serious.

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Nah pretty sure I was on my Arcane Mage.

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ur insignia wuz yummie (evenchully)

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Mohz, I’m calling myself out. I changed my mind! Screw it, I’m in.

I’m just ready to move on from Dragonflight, and looking forward to testing future content…one disconnect at a time.:slight_smile:

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You Son ** a B*** you did it!

You can find me outside Org dueling… I’m not sure what else to do, BG’s aren’t popping obviously XD

Edit: Now I’m getting Incompatible realms… they must be patching something.

I kept a souvenir

Note that I had time to

Get Teabag
Open OBS
Start Recording

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It was basically unplayable last night because of constant dc’s and action bar resets upon re-logging. Also the option to copy characters wasn’t available.

They did say they were patching that up today, so we’ll so what happens. I want to copy Snowcrest to a leveling realm and try that out.

Same issue, I managed to play on the Max level realm. Once I got out of the first rush where it took me 1hour to finish gearing because of all the DC , I managed to get out of Org.

I stay queued specific for the new BG hoping it pops before I get DC’d again, so far no luck.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a battleground pop on a testing realm. We’ll see this time though.

I think you will find that a lot of players that resort to twinking in lower level brackets are just BAD players. Whether it be 20-29 or 61-69 with the timewalking gear twinks they are typically terrible players. Thats why they twink in the lower levels

I logged into retail last night for the first time in ages.

I have zero idea what is going on lol.


Don’t worry…those of us who never left have no idea either, LOL.