BG forums lounge (Part 1)

If you have a few minutes, watch a video on it. Some things taste as bad as you think. This stuff smells worse than you’ll imagine it does. I got it as a joke gift to my wife. I didn’t get the reaction I thought I would. She was actually kind of pissed at me.


Earrings. Sparkly ones. Preferably with some sort of gem in them. No pissed reaction, guaranteed. :laughing:


My bf would say otherwise :joy: Warned him years ago no flowers or jewelry (minus an engagement/wedding ring ofc!)


Juga, that’s just not normal! :joy: I’m kidding.

I’m the stereotypical “Ooooh, shiny!”


Well, I’m not normal :crazy_face:


Sparkly earrings with tiny hanging fermented fish jar pendants. Got it.


I went to Kenya last summer.

Brought my gf back a short sword. That’s her style.

Still have no idea how that got through security. When we were flying out I saw them X-ray my bag and you could see this blade diagonally across it…


Also acceptable. I love interesting things from far away places.

I’d actually love that. In lieu of a sword, sparkly earrings work.

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My sista!


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This damn post had me flashback to boot camp cadences.

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Too true. We have a lot in common. You could be my little sis. I even mained a pally for the first 6 years I played, lol.

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Oh, she loves jewelry too. It’s funny you said “earrings” because that’s the one piece I’ve not got her yet. I’m thinking it’ll be the next one. The last thing I got was a necklace from Tiffany’s.

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I’m up to my 7th paragon box with blizz forum rep.



It’s a real thing, as I assume you know. I bet they’re regretting it now, like naming your kid Adolf.

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Renaming your kid, who your originally named after a character in a show, because the character went haywire? Sounds crazy enough to be a real thing.

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Finally won a WG assault after getting reported a ton for trying to call strat. I had the deserter debuff pop up 4 times from the reports lol. Either way a group finally listened and went against the circle and stopped the horde south and stayed on defense while we zerged the mess out of the wall.


One of you lads or ladies should toss me an invite to the discord server.


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Battle tag me, I’ll send it over. Hyacynth#11700

My 4 yr old just meowed the office theme song. I couldn’t be more proud.