BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I have one of my horde at 112 and one at 113 but can’t find the motivation to finish leveling them. So you should play alliance.

I have no 120 alliance

Get a 120 alliance wtf? Make it gnome too for the beauty,

You’ve got that backwards - you all need to get some 120 horde. Goblins too for that sweet rocket jump.


Back during Cata I rolled a Goblin Hunter to play around with. Was doing BGs, got into an Eye of the Storm, hopped on my mechano-hog and had someone I didn’t know jump in it - he refused to get out. So I started rolling over to DR, jumped off the bridge, 180’d and rocket jumped back on. The rage whispers that came after were fantastic - probably one of my favorite WoW memories.


That sounds like something Freddy would do to me

My buddy and I were talking about the Jaime thing and thought it was completely pointless for Jaime to go from being a narcissistic scumbag that was despised for the obvious reasons to a guy who started to become a better person I guess you can say after being humbled when he got his sword hand cut off and forming a bond with Brienne, eventually doing what he did and then being like “UH NVM, G2G” running back Cersei just to get killed.

At first I was thinking after their deaths that they made a plot hole with the whole prophecy that Cersei got from the witch as a child about being killed by a brother, and then it kind of made sense with it being Tyrion.

The Khaleesi thing was forced as mentioned, and while anyone could have easily known she was going to become a murderous tyrant, but the way they executed made it seem like they were shooting for a “bubblegum and raindrops” kind of ending … that I guess you can say would be as good as you can get in that kind of timeline.

As for the Star Wars thing I had no idea about D&D going off to film a new one. I wish they would just let the whole franchise go. I mean I guess I can see why people love Star Wars, but it just was never anything I could invest my time into… but even if I was a big fan, I would never want it to be milked into dust.

All in all the last episode was complete booty. Too much story to try and wrap up in one season, and plots with more holes than the ones I dig to bury Gnome corpses.

Oh and Pingaz. Don’t let these punching bags made out of skin and brittle bones try to talk you into going to the Alliance.

I mean do you really want to be on the faction that would get beaten down so bad in BG’s that they wouldn’t even turn Warmode on to the point that Blizzard had to give them a PARTICIPATION TROPHY just to turn it on?

And in case you don’t know what I mean, it’s a weekly quest called “Against All Odds” for a piece of PvP gear. YOU KNOW YOU’RE TOO GOOD FOR THAT.

What’s funny is it’s called “Against All Odds” yet it’s the Horde who are the one’s that are facing the odds in numbers. What I believe is the Alliance all randomly get in groups of 5 so they can do the quest and then tell each other to meet up at either a Flight Path, or World Quest area in chat since they can’t do it in a raid group. It’s pretty sad… I assure you.

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I agree alliance, but no gnomes. We need more humans. There aren’t very many of us.

As it should be in a high fantasy game. People who play humans are boring people who name their kids Khaleesi.

You really need to play alliance in war mode so you can see it’s not all that different. I spent 20 minutes getting ganked by the same 8-10 horde while trying to do incursions last night. I rarely group to do incursions. I grouped last night.

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It’s how much Blizzard trusts you when you try to post links to the interwebs.

I think I just vommed in my mouth a little.

Ask JD, the forum twink. :laughing:


Right? How’s a new poster supposed to compete with a guy who can post GIFs in circles around you?


I’m envious of Trust Level 3 kids. Too many people in the Trust Level 2 kiddie pool.


forever trust level 2, im stuck out here with the floaties on



We also need more holes in our heads, more people to fight on the roads and someone to make bologna and American cheese beer now that we’ve all outgrown the peanut butter and jelly beer.

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I vote Tsa our official taste tester. He’s brave (or crazy?) and apparently has a cast iron stomach!

We can put that to the test. I have an unopened can of Surstromming. If he can stomach that, he can stomach anything.

I had to look that up. Yeah, eww. Just eww. Fermented fish? And I thought Marmite was bad!