BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Hi yes hello


And pingo was his name o

Welcome back!


Hey bb hru


Oh snap it’s like a reunion episode!


Does anyone want to do some Horde random BG’s so I can gear up my pleb Hpriest?

You can totally tell D&D were in a rush to end so they could move on to Star Wars. :tired_face: In early seasons they spent most of a season travelling from one city to another, then suddenly they can traverse the globe between episodes.

And the major plot conveniences felt forced, like they suddenly become pro snipers with the ballistas and can snipe a dragon easily, but they go for the one without the rival queen on it? Then suddenly go back to Stormtrooper accuracy level.

I’m generally “okay” with everyone’s “final fates” (except Jaime’s entirely, and Jon to a lesser extent, wtf) - it’s just the breakneck speed all of a sudden. Daenerys in particular I knew was always her “final form” it just felt too sudden and jarring.

They probably needed 2 full seasons of 10 to “end” properly, not 6.


Hey! I also have some (just turned 120 and somehow almost 340 ilvl but that still sucks) horde toons (dk and ret) that need gearing and fun bgs.

But today is big 'MURICA BBQ holiday!

So later maybe.


D & D sucked, They killed really good storylines (Dorne/Lady Stone heart/Stannis) Just to give us some really bad fairytale ending.

F those guys and keep them away from The Knights of The Old Republic

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Yeah after the TLJ trashbasket my Star Wars faith is even lower than it was during the prequels - and that’s saying something.

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Since we’re on GoT, I have a question:

I read the books but have not watched the show.

The final 2 books are still not completed (or published and with GRRM’s overall age and size who the hell knows if they’ll be finished).

Based on what sounds like a disappointing ending would you recommend the show or just wait until the final books come out and complete the series wholly through the books?

Oh and that movie was hot garbage. And waaaaaaaay too long too.

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I read the books too so I can relate. I think it’s very cool for the visuals, and for the most part most of the seasons are very well done (although you’ll notice a lot of corner cutting since 10 episodes aren’t enough for those books).

A couple of my favorite characters from the books got short-changed, which was disappointing, but overall it’s still a spectacle to see and probably worth your time still.

A few of the actors don’t resemble their book descriptions or portrayals (Ser Jorah is a prime example) but you get over that pretty quick.


I remember A Dance with Dragons came out around the same time as the first season. I watched a few episodes and enjoyed it, but over the years life filled and changed and there wasn’t time for it anymore.

Honestly I kind of just gave up on it since we’re talking 8 years now since book 5 with 2 more planned…

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Yeah IDK what JRRM’s problem is, honestly the show kind of falling apart at the end is probably largely his fault too. It’s when they ran out of books to use that the wheels starting coming off and they went for a hasty exit.

Watch the show but treat it as something completely different to ASOIAF.

Can I just say something about how bad the forums layout is now…like wow! I left when it was about to change over and this is the stupidest layout I have seen.

Yes. Yes it sucks. And the stupid trust levels are an atrocious grind.

The biggest surprise of it all is that the forums are still “per character” and not by Battlenet account like their other forums. Such a boneheaded move, especially with trust levels and ninja alt trolls.

Wtf is a trust level.

That is the correct answer.