BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Uhhh…hmmm…Don’t think I can do that one. :laughing:

Edit: I want beer now though. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Above, “purple drank” for those of lighter tones.

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I said it was an adventure.

Who knows how it’ll turn out.

I’ll let you all know with an emoji later when I start drinking them.

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That’s putting it nicely lol. I have a really good idea the adventure for me would end up being bent over porcelain! :wink:

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Man I miss fancy beer. I’m someone who isn’t a fan of IPAs but there’s one that Founders does called Devil Dancer… that’s my all time fav sadly it’s only available… in JUNE?! I hope it was June!

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Yes and no. You are wrong for watching Game of Thrones of course.

But it’s no surprise… you are a Gnome after all!

I should have also noted that the gose was Dogfish Head, not Founders, but yeah.

Um, yeah, I might have to pass on the PB & J.

I’m trying to decide what will go well with smoked pork that is nearly ready. Been drowning in the aroma all day…

Not a fan either, but some are better than others. I don’t think I’ve had a bad beer from Founder’s.

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I live the next town over where the Calfkiller company makes theirs.

It’s not my preferred choice of beer, but it’s not exactly too bad.

I’m more of a Killians guy. It’s what I grew up on back when I was 18…

It was also the beer we would play the game Century with. (100 shots of beer in 100 minutes.)

Moscow Mule.

Light on the simple syrup. Smoked needs a bit of thirst quenching to offset the salt.

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Seasons 7 and 8 were a dumpster fire. I literally forced myself to watch so I could quasi feel like 1-6 weren’t watched for nothing.


Week at least if the PB&J turn out terrible I also bought a bottle of mead so I can join the ranks in Valhalla when the other beer kills me.


I didn’t mind S7.

I’m a big Hound fan. So seeing him walk straight up to The Mountain during the whole meeting they had about the White Walkers and basically tell him straight up he’s gunning for him made me feel like a kid on Christmas.


Me too, I loved Sandor. Did from the beginning when they clued you in even in season one that he was ‘following orders guy’ and not really a baddie. Tough guy, gruff guy, with a heart.

I liked that he got his revenge ultimately on Gregor, but they made it too brainless for me to be happy with completely. Sandor was smarter than that, and they dumbed him to end it all in too simple of a fight.

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It didn’t look that simple of a fight to Sandor rofl… but it wasn’t the set up I expected when they fought, and at first I felt it was overly rushed… watching it again made me appreciate it much more. I knew he was going to die, and I was okay with it as long as he killed the Mountain.

I liked how Sandor kills like 5 guards right before the fight, and The Mountain squashes Qyburns head against the rocks.

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THAT I liked! lol

I wonder if people who fight Rets say the same thing the Hound did when he fought the Mountain “WHY WON’T YOU F----- DIE???”

I kinda like how he laughs at the Mountain in disbelief when he was being strangled for that moment

They LIED to me!

There no grape finish at all! It’s all peanut.

Final verdict. :confused:


But the grapes are literally painted all over the can!


Sounds like it DID INDEED finish with grapes.

They just didn’t say it would be sour grapes :crazy_face: