BG forums lounge (Part 1)

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I just went to buy a game from GoG and someone is using Idaelus for a user name.

I must find this imposter.


To quote myself from a related thread:

Ahh ha, very cool!


Don’t blame us for what blizz did to the spec. I enjoyed myself during TBC and WotLK for the most part.

Also, you get a lot of people who take ret for granted because they don’t pay attention to things like how a ret gave them BoP or BoF or tossed heals to keep them alive. The other thing is, ret’s “design” now is to bash faces in - yet we are faulted for some unknown reason if we do just that.

People gonna hate. :cowboy_hat_face:

Wanted to add… any spec that is able to kite - includes boomies! - should NOT have issues with an average/under-geared ret like muhself. Unless you need to learn how to play better. :smile:


Me too. That (for me) was the best times for Ret and Prot.

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Meh, I think my Ret is around the same ilvl and I can pmuch run over anything. Feels like Ret is always at one extreme or the other, either really good or really bad. ( I played Holy primarily up through WoD ).

You’re a female tauren, so you get a pass. :sunglasses:

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I can relate. Every time I have to setup a new account on something and I get the “name’s taken” message, I go into this utter disbelief mode.

“Whaaatttt? No way… Show me. Show me what this person looks like. No way no how this name is taken. They are censoring me because they think my last name is vulgar and I am some punk 16 yr old kid trying to be funny.”

And I go on and on and on about it until I finally type in another name.

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When I bought a game on Windows Live or whatever their old game store name was, I logged in with my Microsoft account and it turns out someone had used my email. I had them send a recovery email with a password change, and ended up taking over the account which had 3-4 other games already on it. It sucks that I’m stuck with the name they chose, but free games just because someone used a fake email? I’ll take it!

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Hopefully they were good games?

I think they were racing games, like DIRT or something. I actually enjoyed them quite a bit, never really was too into racing games, but they were a pleasant surprise.

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Anyone play the stress test/beta yesterday? By the time I got home the servers were unavailable.

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Someone signed up for a account using my “spam” email address, which was amusing. I contacted Blizz and claimed it.


I did for about 15 minutes before they took the servers offline.

Every npc aside from quest givers were turned into hostile hoggers so you were walking around hoping to not aggro anything. Then if you try to leave the starting area 4 hoggers would come out of stealth and one shot you. It was a fun unique 15 minute experience. I haven’t seen the devs do fun things like that in years. Asmongold had all the raid bosses spawning everywhere. I saw Ragnaros, Kazak, Cthun, the two headed fire dog boss, and a couple others.

About 40-60 night elves were trying to kill one of the hoggers and kept throwing bodies at him. They got him to around 25% when the servers went offline.

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If I can survive the initial melee chaos bolts and make you waste freedom on a casted root then run half a mile away to get your chargers used up and then catch you in a non DRed stun THEN I can turn and damage you without having to sit bear form spamming moonfire :wink:

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Quite the drama unfolded over this. It seems mysteriously all the streamer types got in and stayed in, while regular joe blow players either got in for a few mins or not at all.

It was a stressful stress test trying to login and make a character and smashing create character 10000 times before it times out and you have to relog in hoping to get back to the character creation screen.

I really don’t care the streamers made it in. I can’t say I don’t blame blizz for giving them priority. Look at how apex legends launched their game out of nowhere and just paid streamers to stream it for one night. Cheap/brilliant marketing strategy.

I don’t get how people are overlooking the thousands of players surrounding the streamers. It might have been a few particular login servers were down, and they handled large portions of players in different regions, or various other server-internet-nerd-lingo issues that I don’t understand.

Yes and no. Looks like by the threads they are getting a mixed bag at best with people leaning toward offended. Lots of posts about all the streamers in beta already and getting priority attention again in stress test. Not smart to piss off the pop that pays the bills, but somehow it’s happened again. Not sure anymore if people being offended is legit or just net rage culture that is the current flavor. “Game of Thrones, we don’t like your last season! We demand a redo!” petition appears with 1.5 million sigs.

No clue. I went rifling through the threads this morning and there’s not really consideration for that.