BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Join us in the Epics, come join the dark side. Let the Epic BG Flow through you!


I appreciate the offer, but epics are just not my jam.

Yeah games not as much fun without friends.

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Yeah, Iā€™ve been playing off and on with the same guy since WotLK and when he stops playing I catch myself doing the same. Sooo, modded Minecraft and BF2042 have been my fall back recently :woman_shrugging:

when i get bored i just play other games like overwatch , eso , bdo , etc

I played OW pretty regularly ( I think I had like 1400hrs or something in to it ) but I really hate the ā€˜premium battlepassā€™ mentality to unlock skins and crap, so. I think I have like < 10hrs in to OW2 because of it.


The pirate patch is coming, yarrrrr! :skull_and_crossbones:


i play it alot and buy the bps only for skins that i find cute or that i want .

A Davey Jones Locker themed patch! Yarrrrr!


Yeah, I caved and got it awhile back. Iā€™ve enjoyed Moira since she went live so I got the Lilith skin cus Iā€™m a sucker D:

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i like her Lilith skin and her rose queen one

i made a tmog video ill do more aswell but i did my hunter for now

i also did my priest ill do my alts later

i also have made 2 forum meme vids , if for future memes you feel like you want to be included just let me know!

part 1

part 2


Not me sneaking in twice on your first video but not making it in the second! That was funny, as someone who lives on the forum, I enjoyed it!

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Whatā€™s that premade song? I wanna hear the rest of it, lol.

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Lol which one ?xd

Iā€™ve been posting on the forums on the same toon since Wrath and man, I always end up spending most of my time in the BG forums loungeā€™ish threads. We used to keep active twink ( which I havenā€™t done since this toon way back when :stuck_out_tongue: ) threads going for brackets and they ended up with similar banter so it was always fun. Videos were amusing, glad you had a good time making them!

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The second forum video at the end.

Ooooooh the lil crazy one ? Lmfao itā€™s a custom one Iā€™m at work so I donā€™t have the mp3 on my phone but yeah I made that one rotfl :sob::sob::sob::skull::skull:

Haha thanks ! I thought the memes would be funny bg forums been getting too SRS

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Rip I miss the 60ā€™s threads tbh.

I made a crappy video back in legion on my potato pc if anybody is interested in some cringe.
[World pvp rogues are dumb - YouTube]( E)

Blizz wont let me post links because I have been a bad boy in the past so remove the space I guess.

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