BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I got “this video isn’t available anymore”.

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theres a typo, the last E is part of the url‘

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some new tmog vids are up ! i also feel like its time to make more music aswell… here is the updated listy with every class ive done so far enjoy

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oh it is the whole song its not very long but here u go kek

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Thanks, since I have been perma banned a few times I cant reach trust lvl 3 to post links.

This might be out of date or different for the WoW forums:

Suffice to say, few people will be trust level 3.

But, you can always put links between `   ` (the same key as ~, to the left of the 1 key).

For example:


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TL3 ain’t that deep.

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thank you <3

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If somebody was in the Ashran today where ally won by a kill difference of 2, what battle that was! The last few kills were nerve-wrecking as the fragile balance of 5v5 last kills remained for good 4-5 minutes as both sides fought it out on the horde bridge.

I’ve been largely avoiding epics solo due to premade saturation, but man, did I luck into an epic battle today.


Nice! I had a BF2042 game yesterday where we had 4 reinforcements left when we won, always a good time when games are close.


Mercing to horde feels so much better during BG honor quest weeks for some reason. Just played a couple of games, and had great teams.


Cant stand battle royal games ugh, I hope ppl that find it fun have fun though.

There’s also a patch note.

some Blitz* changes and class changes.


I am interested in the hpriest changes, gonna play around with them later today.

Geez how do people get permabanned on here? Lol :flushed:

Whatever went down/whatever threads happened must get 404’ed pretty quickly since people never seem to mention exactly what happened

All you ever hear is “just got back from a permaban” or “so and so got permabanned”, but the basic details of what happened are never mentioned

I’ve been banned (probably tosk too) before they changed to the new forums.

Here I’ve been banned for saying a bad word in a joke or things like that.

I once got banned simply for posting my characters name (hint: it was “mature language”)

My last one was for calling someone a name.
One was from preparedwow reporting me and several other ppl with all 80+ of his accounts on the darkspear forums. I was banned for posting “lol” That perma got overturned in a day though.

Twice for me, perma banned before they had the ugly brown version then again after that before our current forum lol.

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That’s because it’s against forum rules to do so.

Now we know why Blizzard isn’t keen to add more pvp content… It’s always received with hate from General Forums who can’t collect transmog or achievements from it.