BG forums lounge (Part 1)

The forum mods don’t know what you’re talking about so they don’t realize you’re trolling, but the rest of us can see what you’re doing.

This is the bg forum’s lounge. Please don’t troll here and get this thread locked/removed. You can start fights in the other threads.


i posted that about u months ago still seems true

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My grandpa had his military uniforms and a 400 year old violin in his closet.

Also just remember guys no fighting here…maybe some light banter though just play it safe.


Ooh! What was the condition of the violin?

Irish traditional music fan here. I have a cheap violin, and still haven’t gotten out of Suzuki Book 1 yet. I have a mandolin, and seem to have more luck playing on that.

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needs repair, cant play anything on it, my dad is looking into getting it fixed up so he can pass it on.


Double post but I can’t help it.
I am super hyped for cata classic lol, I lvled this mage back during cata mostly through pvp and I have some seriously nostalgia just remembering it.

Hype :smiley:


RIP Akira Toriyama



Similar for me, cata was first expac I really played played.

You hear from goofin at all? Feel like I talk to him beginning of every expansion lol.

Weird bc it feels like I played with him as he grew up over these… 12+ years? Whenever late cata and into mop was.

Is this a serious take?? :flushed:

It’s pretty much widely accepted that Cata was the beginning of “the decline”, 2011 onwards was noticeably lower quality than 2004-2010

Only people I’ve heard of that actually liked Cata were “Cata babies” that literally started playing during Cata, which makes sense I suppose - if you missed out on the earlier golden age of WoW then you wouldn’t have a decent point of reference/comparison

Well my final verdict is I liked natla. I didn’t like every change they made. And a few characters were so poorly cast it’s kinda boggling, especially considering that Ozai and Iroh were cast so amazingly as well as sokka imo

The cinematography and acting were excellent overall

Weirdest change was the badgermoles smelling love on sokka and kitara

I’ll probably watch it through again. End battle was real good and flashy

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Azula being in it at all took up a lot of unnecessary screen time. Had they removed all of her scenes, we could have fleshed out a lot more of the characters.

We could have had more scenes with Zhao, including the Agnai Kai between Zuko and Zhao which does more character-building for Zuko than any of the other added scenes.

Sokka meeting Yue in the Spirit World was a strange turn. Not really sure why that was needed. The changes to Koh were both nice and bad. I loved the horror aspect they added to him, however, taking away the whole “I steal your face when you show emotion” kind of neutralized him a little.

The whole season one was called Water because the focus was supposed to be on Aang learning Water Bending, yet we don’t see him learn a single bit of water bending.

But overall I enjoyed it as well and am looking forward to future seasons.


Since I’m not a sheep, j/k, still I don’t follow the “widely accepted” view on this. It was my first complete expansion, and probably my favorite for PvP.

I just happened to watch this yesterday

It’s a funny recap of DBZ.

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Yeah Azula is the biggest negative for me. And I agree generally on all those screenplay weaknesses

If they were gonna drag azula into season 1 they coulda made her epic like she’s supposed to be

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I get the feeling that they are going to work in some sort of redemption arc for Azula, which I’m not all for. Sometimes bad guys just need to be bad.

You gain some pity for her by the end of the series, especially after reading “The Search”, but she’s still too broken to come back.

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Yup, and realistically there are people who will never truly gain redemption.

Their choice to show her insecurities early will mean she will never be the terrifying villain she was in atla


Loved watching dragon ball growing up. The RR army was my favorite arc, specifically muscle tower.


So it finally happened… I got ninjacapped by a bot Rogue in Comp Stomp :rofl:

For context, I was guarding Farm alone while playing Ally… kinda, in reality I was tabbed out in the background browsing my Youtube feed and also scrolling my phone with the other hand. By pure chance I happened to tab back over to WoW about ~1.8 seconds before a bot Rogue finished capping the flag - right in front of me

I panicked and had a fat-fingers moment accidentally mashing the wrong button while trying to stop the cap, but the bot Rogue got his ninjacap off… extra frustrating because I literally had an abilitiy “in the air” (flying towards the bot Rogue) at the very moment he finished his ninjacap (…but too late/too slow to actually stop the cap) :weary: :man_facepalming:

A pug in the chat said “lol” right after the “Horde has assaulted the farm” message appeared and I immediately knew just how bad it looked :expressionless:

Thinking quick I immediately left the area to save face, and luckily a nearby pug Hunter and DK from down the road came and engaged the bot Rogue and recapped Farm. Besides that random pug with the “lol” I don’t think anyone else noticed (knock on wood), sooooo embarrassing regardless though…

Just another example of how “something always happens at the exact moment you’re tabbed out” I guess, lol

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Yeah I started in tbc btw. main tanked everything but swp.

Is this because the sub count went down? didnt a bunch of ppl quit because cata heroic dungeons were too hard at the start?

Unlike wotlk babies who had the easiest heroic dungeons ever made and started the catch up mechanics that cata onwards expanded on. Wotlk was the start of random dungeons finder after all which lead to raid finder.

I liked cata, the pvp was good ( outside of pve items like vial and cunning) the pve was good as well. Lvling was quick but not too quick like mop onwards. That all being said I do hope they nerf pve items in pvp and not add raid finder, I think raid finder fits in current retail wow but it just doesnt fit in well pre mop.

The base for WoW was Warcraft 3 players. For Warcraft 3 players, Arthas was the endgame. Deathwing wasn’t very well known, as he was a character from Warcraft 2.

People also don’t seem to realize that Cata was when the skill floor was raised. What I mean is. Social Media, Live Streaming, and more accessible gamer-focused content became widely used by 2010. You didn’t have noobs that barely knew how to play as often as before, for the first time everything you needed was within your grasp so be an effective PvP and PvE gamer.

Destroying the world and creating a new one was a very unpopular opinion among fans as well. Not just because it removed things they loved in the game, but also because it took development time away from endgame content.

Cata also went all in on habitual content. Meaning, content that encouraged you to log in and play every single day. Feeling like you had to log in every day or fall behind pushed a lot of people away.

That being said, I really liked cata.