BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Our lord and savior bicmex.

The harder part is remembering what my binds are without looking at them.


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Hello king I miss cata 70s

Do you still talk to bonjwa, think I just randomly lost contact with him in wod

Also Idk how to quote multiple people in a reply on new forum

But yeah miz get leepz to dm me on discord when yall need more and I’ll play

Also hi tosk and rag miss u guys

And @bandit and whoever else are on toons I don’t recognize. Kisses xoxo

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Yeah I have the issue when starting anew class/spec or after a long break. It gets better after a while thanks to muscle memory.

I have been living a super casual lifestyle this xpac, I log in do some dungeons usually heroic hit rad finder and do some bgs and I gotta say I am pretty happy with it.

Hug xoxo I miss everyone as well.

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Is RR not good enough for you Mr Bieber simpy boi?

Yeah. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Just highlight text and click it (or press q).

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Dang man my weight loss has slowed down a lot since I got down to 170. I wanna get to 150ish but I keep packing away the sodas every weekend. Life is rough when all the super good tasting stuff is not really good for you.

I have had 1500 calories today but I am looking at this 710ml of pepsi and its like I gotta drink this for great justice. I did work out today so its gotta be fine right?


What is your height/build? Depending on the size 170 pounds is pretty decent

I need to find healthy snacks.

But it’s hard when this looks so delicious:
megbakes :dotted_line_face: com


the heck tell him to add me

also, just drink diet sodas. They taste almost identical, but not 200 cals

Drink nothing but water and walk everywhere. Those two things alone can do wonders.

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Losing weight is simple, until that molten chocolate lava cake is staring at you the lizard brain kicks in and the taste buds water.

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5.8 idk what build means lol.

True that is an option.

I use to be 300 pounds around the end of mop, back then I did quit soda and I haven’t had any for like 6 years but recently I started drinking it again. I will probably gather up enough will power to just drop it 100% again but I still have 3 bottles left >:)

170 is fine for that height, maybe it’s slightly “bordering” on overweight - but only just barely… according to the BMI calculator I just Googled anyways

I wanna be the best that ever was, not just in pokemon.

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Hello people. :slight_smile:

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I haven’t seen Discopathy lately. Hopefully all is well!

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Their time ran out on Feb 9th.


I was cleaning my grandpa’s room, saw an old voice recorder, and i thought about you. Hope all is well.

^ some pressed people reported my post and it got restored. I was just tryna be nice guys. (: