BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Same here. It’s around 10F outside right now - beach weather? I like the shorter days for awhile, but the cold is pretty tiring.

I’m three episodes in and loving it so far. If you’re gonna be bothered by some screenplay changes then maybe don’t watch. So far they’ve lumped some very important parts of the story into one area

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Oh, that’s great!

I was worried it would be like the live-action movie (which I also avoided).

Nothing’s like that movie

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You can ride below freezing. Done it, don’t enjoy it.


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Sorry, I don’t want to die lol.

Hello gamers
miss u all


Light come help me defeat all my premade enemies like you did once before

Join me and together we will rule the Alterac Vallexy


Missing cata 70s

bros name is really ‘iight’ icant

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Welcome back.

Sup peeps.

I don’t know how to switch my avatar back to Fatfreddy, but whatever.

Haven’t played in a year, hope everyone is doing well in and out of wowland.

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WE had a +15 c day yesterday it was wild but now its -8 with a pretty intense wind chill lol.

Miss you light.

hey freddy,

Warm weather soon I can feel it, so excited.



Game has been tough man, hard to stay engaged :frowning: ( IMO )

Yea. Ironically I enjoyed DF S1 more than I had WoW in a long time, then one day I logged off last February, and haven’t played since.

Got the itch a bit, but don’t know if it’ll stick. Also don’t want to ruin the healthier lifestyle of non-wow time I’ve been in since :joy:


I forgot how to play.

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